Explaining chapter

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I heard that story got complicated. So I am gonna explain this in this chapter. Feel free to comment what I maybe should improve.  

1. Arun went to the army because he tought maybe if he wasn't between his wife and his mother maybe they would like each other. And that his mother will except his wife. It turned to be that it didn't really work out. Plus he wanted to know how his will react to it.  

2. Her parents ditched her because they were worried that maybe their daughter get back to AShwin. There's a following part about ashwin. 

3. Lia's daughter going to be a important character.

4. The story is about a girl who don't have a love live. Her parents are also are a part why she is with arun and not with Ashwin. They forcefully maried her to Arun who was rich and had so much land properties. But Ashwin didn't had anything. Only him self. That part will be published soon. Karthikha feels most of the time that she don't live. No one asks her opinion. And everyone is taking discusions for her. 

5. Allan and Dyllan will come back. And there will be new characther in. 

I hope that informed enough. Take care of each other. Thank you!



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