First Meeting - Hotch & Reid

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A/N: What's up guys? I'm so so sorry that I abandoned this, but I promise you that I will update more. So this was requested back in 2018, and I figured that I'd do a preference about the first meeting between father and daughter. B will stand for birth, and F will stand for found. I have also provided you the year you were born/found for reference in future updates. I'll be updating them in pairs. Just remember I don't own Criminal Minds; all rights go to CBS. Enjoy!!

Y/N:  First Name
M/N:  Middle Name


Aaron Hotchner (B)
Year:  1990

"Oh my god! It hurts so bad!" Haley Hotchner screamed in agony as she pushed. She was currently in the middle of labor, and it was painful as hell! Haley's husband, Aaron Hotchner, was just holding her hand and encouraging her — like any husband should. Hotch was breaking a sweat, and he wasn't even the one in child labor! Haley was panting after pushing for what seemed like the millionth time. "Aaron I'm so tired." Haley breathed heavily. "I know Haley; you just have to push one more time and then you're done. Just one more push honey," Hotch encouraged.

Finally, Haley let out one last push and laid back in her hospital bed, elated to hear the cries of their newborn child after birthing the baby for 36 hours. "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Hotchner. You have a beautiful baby girl." The doctor congratulated. Hotch and Haley shared a smile, their smiles only brightened when you were brought back after getting cleaned up, weighed, and measured.

Haley took you into her arms, a tired smile forming on her face. "Hi baby girl. You're so perfect," Haley said in a low whisper. Hotch only continued to smile; he was now a father. "Hi baby. You're so beautiful, just like your mommy." Hotch said which earned him an eye roll from Haley. The nurse came in with a birth certificate. "What's her name?" The nurse asked. Haley and Hotch shared a look before Haley answered:

"Y/N M/N Hotchner."

Spencer Reid (F)
Year:  2002

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." Spencer Reid said to his fellow BAU teammates. He'd only joined the team just 6 months ago, and he loved every minute of his new job. He'd just clocked out for the night, ready to head home to his apartment and read a good book, then perhaps some light binge watching of Doctor Who.

Spencer had been driving for about 10 minutes when he saw a moving box in an alleyway. He pulled over and got out of his car to investigate. He lifted the box to see a baby girl no older than 3 days. There was a note attached.

'Please take care of Y/N. I am unable to do so. Her date of birth is [insert your birthday here], 2002. I hope that whoever finds her will love her unconditionally and protect her at all costs.'

Spencer gazed down at the young baby, and he gently picked her up. The newborn seemed to enjoy the warmth he provided, and snuggled into his chest. A smile spread across Spencer's face. "Well hi Y/N. I'm Spencer; I promise I'm gonna take really good care of you," he said softly. Thus, the start of an irreplaceable bond between a father and daughter blossomed.

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