First Meeting - Luke & Matt

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A/N: What's up guys? I'm so so sorry that I abandoned this, but I promise you that I will update more. So this was requested back in 2018, and I figured that I'd do a preference about the first meeting between father and daughter. B will stand for birth, and F will stand for found. I have also provided you the year you were born/found for reference in future updates. I'll be updating them in pairs. Just remember I don't own Criminal Minds; all rights go to CBS. Enjoy!!

Y/N:  First Name
M/N:  Middle Name


Luke Alvez (F)
Year:  2004

It was the saddest thing Luke had ever heard.

Luke Alvez was purely in shock to see that a small girl at age 3 was lying behind a dumpster. Her face was dirty, her clothes were ragged, and she looked like she hadn't eaten anything in the past day or two. "Hello?" He asked. The girl's E/C eyes opened and they widened with fear. Her breathing became ragged, and Luke tried to calm her. "Hey. It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. What's your name?" He asked. The girl sniffled and played with the hem of her shirt. "Y/N M/N L/N." She answered. Luke nodded. "Hi Y/N. My name's Luke. Can you tell me why you're outside by this dumpster? It's really cold outside," he said.

Y/N looked up at Luke, feeling a sense of trust. "M-Mommy and D-Daddy were yelling again. I-I left with Mommy after Daddy fell asleep; s-she wouldn't wake up after she went to sleep." Y/N shivered as she retold her tale. Luke's heart broke in two to hear that she was in an abusive household. Her mother was dead, and it sounded like her father was an alcoholic. His heart hurt for the little girl.

"Y/N do you like dogs?" Luke asked. Y/N nodded, and Luke gave her a smile. "Well I have a dog at my house. Her name is Roxy. Do you wanna meet her?" He asked. The girl played with her hands. "Mommy said I'm not s'posed to go with strangers," she said. Luke chuckled just a bit. "But I'm not a stranger. I'm a police officer. See?" He said as he showed her his police badge.

Y/N contemplated before taking his hand. Luke led her to the car, and stopped by the nearest clothing store to get her some clothes and pjs. He took her home, and she was met at the door by Roxy. The girl hid behind Luke's leg but slowly peeked her head from behind him to see the dog was wagging her tail at her. It made Y/N smile.

After a hot meal, a hot shower, and some fresh clothes, Y/N was fast asleep next to Roxy on the couch. Luke sat at the kitchen table, phone in hand. He decided to contact his friend in CPS, deciding on a big decision.

"Hey Chris. It's Luke Alvez. I need a favor; I want to adopt a girl by the name of Y/N M/N L/N."

Let's just say that three weeks later, Y/N became Y/N M/N Alvez.

Matt Simmons (B)
Year:  1997

"Matt? I-I'm going into labor."

Kristy's words sank in as Matt Simmons got into his car. He had just gotten done grocery shopping for his wife who was in her last few weeks of pregnancy. Kristy was having hers and Matt's firstborn daughter. When Matt let the words sink in, He went into panic mode. "Where are you baby?" He asked. "With my mom. Just promise me you'll get to the hospital," Kristy said through labored breathing. "I promise baby. I love you." Matt said. "I love you too."

Matt raced to the hospital without speeding or blowing red lights. He needed to be there when Kristy gave birth. He got there when Kristy was halfway through childbirth. Matt held her hand, encouraged her, and did everything that a good husband should do. Matt smiled as Kristy did when they heard the cries of their newborn daughter pierce the air.

Matt and Kristy smiled as they were handed their daughter, who was wrapped up in pink blankets. "She's beautiful." Matt whispered as he was handed their daughter. Kristy had already held the baby about an hour ago, and now it was Matt's turn. "Hi baby girl. You're absolutely perfect. We love you so much," he said.

One of the best days of Matt's life was when his firstborn daughter — Y/N M/N Simmons — was born.

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