First Word(s) - Hotch & Reid

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In this preference, you've said your first word/first words. I didn't include Luke because you were adopted as a toddler, not an infant.


Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner
Age: 9 months


It was another normal day in the Hotchner house. It was almost time for your afternoon nap, but you were fussy. You didn't want to sleep — you wanted to play!

Haley sighed as she placed you on her hip, and walked upstairs to Aaron's office, knocking on the cracked open door.

Aaron walked over to the door, and opened it with confusion written on his face. "Haley, what's wrong?"

Haley sighed as she readjusted you on her hip. It was clear she was a bit frustrated. "Y/N doesn't want to take a nap. I don't know what to do, Aaron."

Aaron opened his arms, and Haley placed you in your father's embrace. You gazed up at him with those big E/C eyes that could melt even the coldest of cold stares.

"Y/N... you have to take your nap. Big girls take naps." Aaron said as he gently bounced you on his hip.

You stared at Aaron blankly for a few seconds before you gave a grunt.


Haley's bad mood was instantly gone, and Aaron couldn't stop smiling. This was the first time you'd ever spoken.

"Oh my God! She just said her first word! Aaron, she's talking." Haley gushed.

Aaron smiled and placed kisses on your cheeks, which caused you to erupt into a fit of uncontrollable giggles.

Though you did say your first word, you tired yourself out with your excitement. You ended up having that nap.

It was a win-win.

Spencer Reid
Age: 10 months

"Love Nana."

Spencer was a nervous wreck.

This was one of the most important trips he'd ever make. He was taking you on your first flight to Las Vegas — his home town. He was taking you to meet your grandmother, Diana Reid, for the first time.

The plane ride didn't worry Spencer very much. He'd gotten you earplugs for the high altitude, and he had your favorite stuffed bear in his carry-on bag to keep you entertained.

Everything was going great... and then the plane landed.

Since you two weren't staying for more than the weekend, Spencer made sure to pack accordingly. It was easy to retrieve the luggage from the baggage claim, because Spencer had only one suitcase, his carry-on, and your bag full of things you'd need.

Spencer had gotten a rental car to use for the weekend, and put together your car seat in 10 minutes. Once you were buckled up in the backseat, Spencer sat in the driver's seat and drove to the hotel you both would be staying at.

After checking in to the hotel room and setting the luggage to the side, Spencer picked you up from your current position on the hotel bed.

"Hey Y/N, you ready to go and meet Nana? Yeah? C'mon, let's go see Nana." He cooed as he held you on his hip.

So, you two were off to Bennington Sanitarium.

Spencer checked in at the front desk, but the receptionist was wary of sending him in with you. A mental hospital was no place for a baby.

It took a bit of convincing from one of the orderlies — she was assigned to Diana, and she knew Spencer from his previous visits — to let Spencer and you go inside the rec room.

Spencer scanned the room for Diana. He found her sitting by the window, and approached her slowly. He readjusted you on his hip before he decided to get his mother's attention.

"Mom? I uh... I have someone I'd like you to meet."

Diana perked up hearing her son's voice, and her eyes took in Spencer's appearance. Her focus shifted onto you, and she let a smile grace her lips.

"Spencer... I didn't know you had a baby."

Spencer chuckled softly as he sat down across from Diana, putting you in his lap. "I didn't. I adopted her. Mom, this is Y/N M/N Reid. This is your granddaughter. Y/N, this is your Nana."

You looked at Diana, and you were immediately drawn to her. She looked so pretty, and she had to be super smart like your daddy.

Diana smiled even brighter. "Can I?" She asked her son. She wanted to hold her granddaughter; get to know her.

Spencer smiled. "Of course you can," he said and carefully handed you off to his mother.

Diana smiled as she situated you on her lap. "She's absolutely beautiful, Spencer. I can already tell you're such a good dad to her."

Spencer blushed with a smile. "Thanks, Mom."

You were happy. You got to meet your Nana and spend the whole weekend with your daddy. You felt like the coolest baby ever.

When it was time to go, Spencer sighed sadly. He knew it would make you sad to say goodbye to Diana, seeing as you two were bonding so well. But you'd be back tomorrow to see her.

"Hey Y/N? It's time for night-night. Can you tell Nana bye-bye?" Spencer said to you as he knelt down.

You placed a big kiss on Diana's cheek. "Love Nana."

Diana smiled as she pressed a tender kiss to your head. "Nana loves you more, kiddo."

Spencer, however, had happy tears forming in his eyes. Not just because of the bond you had with his mother, but you also just said your first words.

After bidding Diana goodbye for the evening, Spencer drove back to the hotel with you dozing off in the backseat. Once you two arrived at your hotel room, you were fast asleep against your dad's shoulder.

Spencer gently laid you on the bed as he got dressed for bed himself. Afterwards, he dressed you for bed and put you on his chest. As weird as that sounds, that's how you bonded with him.

"My girl's so smart." He whispered softly before drifting off to sleep.

He may have an eidetic memory, but he will never forget this. This was one of the best days of his life.


1032 words

Next update: First Word(s) - Morgan & Rossi

Published:  October 25, 2020

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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