What if they're all Flints?

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Thank you so much guys!!! I can't get over how many views this has had!!!! So, thank you and I'll carry on...

But um my dad explained the matrix- His fave movie and turns out they are kinda only slightly similar aha


“What do you mean not real?" I inquired.

“Ok, it's easier if I show you. You see this map?" He paused revealing a map on a table which was underneath a sheet, “This is the world, yes?"

“Yes, and?"

“Well it's not," he stated almost as if bored.

“No. I'm pretty sure I've been doing geography classes since I was seven," he laughed, thus must be some sort of joke!

“This isn't funny,"

“Well, whatever you say smartass," I whispered under my breath.

“Anyway America, Earth, the universe-none of it is what we thought or what everyone teaches us. We know what everyone else doesn't," he explained.

“We?" I murmured, if this is real it seriously isn't funny.

Not real? How is the Earth not real? How can everyone in the universe believe something, know something, that's wrong.

It makes no sense at all.

“Oh. Well come one then," He walked without any sign of emotion or life.

Normally I would be excited but this Flint dude is just a downer, I real depressing guy.

I hope he's ok. But he doesn't have to take this out on me, I did nothing.

“Are you coming or not?"

“Oh er, I guess!" I skipped.

He yet again blindfolded me and sprinted only for a few seconds this time.

“This is," he hesitated, “Ivy" he sounded faint and then took away the blindfold.

What if they're all Flints?

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