10. Grand Hawthorne

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It wasn't long before we heard the enchanting, twinkling chime of a music box. The fog lifted as the gypsies got closer. A run down cart on wheels covered in curtains came squeaking along.

Two little, old women leapt out of the cart. Roselyn was right. They did seem nice, but I kept in mind her warning.

"This certainly is surprising. When the seekers are sought out." One said, holding her back as she laughed.
"But what they truly seek is even a greater surprise." The other shook her index finger at her fellow gypsy.

"But what they may pay could be the greatest of all." They said together.

I was now set on a creepy edge. I kept my face as passive as I could.

Serenity slid off of Fey and fearlessly stood in front of them. They looked up at her with their skeptical, squinty eyes.

"We just need a simple trade. We are prepared with payment." She said crisply.

"In many ways, tis true," The first woman answered.
I had always loved the elders in my kingdom, but the mysterious waves these hags sent off were most frightening.

"We've come for Crossing Incense. I know it's rare, but we don't need much." Serenity got to the point. She didn't want to stay here anymore than I did.
"Crossing Incense. That fetches a high price, dear. Are you sure you're willing to pay it?" The first hag answered.

"We have a rare rich piece of it pleases you." Serenity said deceivingly calm.

"We have no need of riches from you." The second hag waved her hand.

"We only ask why. We both know what Crossing Incense is used for. But on who?" The first said suspiciously.

"My sister. She has partaken in the dark arts. She is not a witch's descendant. These powers will destroy her. It is for her own good." I half lie, taking control of my nerves.

"Lovely doing business with you." The second said with a grim smile while the first stumbled into the cart and came out with a tiny drawstring pouch.

This whole time Roselyn understandably kept silent on Fey's back so as not to attract attention.

We watched the women ride away and headed in the opposite way in which we had come.

We rode slowly through Callyway Valley looking around to see any trace of Callum. We found nothing but an arrow snapped in two from his crossbow.
With heavy hearts we made the full trip back not stopping once.

It was early morning when we reach the area of our hideout.
We stopped dead in our tracks when we looked to see not the tree, but it's remains in ashes.

The blackbird swooped out of nowhere and informed us that while on our journey back the gypsies had turned the information over to Eleanor.
In her fury, she searched the forest scorching all around and happened to burn our hideaway.

Serenity fell to her knees and dug her hands into the ashes of what was once her home.
She leaned to lay her face on the burnt ground and cried.

"How much am I supposed to lose before we kill that bitch." She sobbed in a screeching way.

"All the more reason to find a new plan quickly." Roselyn spoke up.
"Well. Eleanor knows our original plot so now we'd have to find an army of some kind." I thought out loud.

"I fear our only hope left is the Clover Pixies." Roselyn suggested.

"Pixies. As in Faeries?" I looked at her.

"Aye." she nodded.
Serenity pulled herself up.
"And what makes you think the Pixies will side with us?" She asked.

"If we fight for the same cause they will." Roselyn was sure.

"Where do we find them?" I asked, eager to carry out the new idea.

"Grand Hawthorne." Serenity answered bluntly. "But we are not traveling after just returning. Callum the blackbird will go and beg for their aid in taking back Grimshaw." Serenity said her voice still breaking as she started pulling down the tent quilts.

The blackbird was gone in an instant and we all helped setting up camp on the ashes of our former home.

We needed to rest after a full trip back.

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