14. Eleanor's End (Pt.1)

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We kept silent as we walked. Not because we had nothing to say, when in fact, we probably had everything to say. But the thought of it being the last time we would speak for some of us was too much it kept us deathly quiet.

I tried to keep my head held proud, not daring to look at one of my friends.

The sky increasingly darkened, telling us how near we were.

Serenity's blackbird was lost in the ebony sea of stars.

As we drew closer I could hear the sharp cries of the Griffons and the deep roars of the monsters on the ground.

I could feel Fey tense, not as if she was afraid, but as if she were excited.
I was somehow not afraid myself, but couldn't help but think of the worst.

I knew my ambition was too strong for me to fail, but the constant tug that I would lose something if I won.

The battle clearing came into view and I had no time to think about it anymore.
We kept organized and even paced approaching the grunting, snarling, and screeching army of opposers.

Surprisingly Desmond was in front, leaning casually against his horse.

I dismounted and left Fey with Serenity.
Walking as far as I dared, I met him face on at an invisible boundary.

"Your sister......," He had an irritatingly cocky tone. "She wanted me to tell you a few things."

"She always was a little chatty." I say with critical humor.

"She just wanted you to know.....you can't win. Honestly, she thinks your mad for even considering it. But she did say she would be expecting to see you. Much later of course. As for me.........," He went on, his hand on his chin as he studied me.

"Give me my sister and you'll have no quarrel with me." He finished.

I looked to Roselyn behind me. She was standing tall, looking so mature even though she was still only a girl.
I turned back to look at him, my eyes shadowed with anger.

Thinking for a moment, I keep my eyes up and give him a mocking grin.
"She is no longer yours." I tell him, bobbing my head.

Desmond's face twitched in malice. "Kill them. Kill them all." He commanded the crowd of beasts behind him and rode off on his horse.

As soon as he had gone, the creatures were upon us.
I leapt back onto Fey and she tore through the monsters underfoot while I took my sword to the taller and winged ones.

I screamed when a Sruffcat jumped on my back and dug it's razor teeth in my collarbone. I jerked hard and slung it off into the mass of madness surrounding me.

As soon as I had screamed, my ears were numbed by the other cries all around me.

I forgot about my shoulder that was now soaking red into my dress.

I went on, hiding behind my shield and holding my sword ready.

I couldn't hear, but I could sense the deep out roars of all the creatures. The wind was like a tornado with the unheard faeries' voices.
I glanced up at the sky, the stars twinkling constantly signaling a pixies' death.
Through the chaos I thought, if that many of the faeries were already gone, what about Serenity, Roselyn, or Callum still at the front? Were they still alive?

My thoughts were interrupted by an attack through the court threshold.

No sentiment, I had to remind myself.

Fey ripped as many knights as she could, but they were relentless and never ending.

I finally gave up on the court door and steered Fey away to the rocky, low coast on the opposite side of the castle.

Fey slipped only twice on the unreliable, decaying foundation.
Still we made the climb up the jagged sea wall that kept the water from flooding the low point of the castle.

We landed into the sewage pit. We struggled to get through to the true castle wall. I held on to Fey's neck while on her back as she seemed to glide until she was on top of the wall, pacing back and forth in satisfaction.

I slid off her back and raced to the tower point on the corner and flew down the steps.

It seemed like I never stopped running.
Hearing the swish of my ragged satin dress and the almost inaudible pad of my feet.

Soon I was racing down the familiar hollow, wide windowed hallways.

The clatter of weapons caught my attention and I stopped and looking out the wall window, I could see Serenity and Roselyn fighting a far distance from each other. They both had looks of determination and fear.
Serenity had blood sprinkled on her face and Roselyn a dark scratch on her jaw. I looked out further to see the catapults throwing flame bombs out in the forest, causing a sea of smoke to form over the trees.
I leaned against the edge, my eyes frantically scanning over the crowd for Callum. My already heightened anxiety rose and my breathing noticeably escalated.

I felt my body's nerves vibrate. This war.........was all my sister's fault, I seemed to suddenly remember.

I bawled my fists to keep my nerves still and jolted from the window.

I skid around the sharp corner and burst into the throne room.

I saw Eleanor sitting on her throne in her relaxed way. She didn't seem at all surprised to see me.

"Oh, Crimson. It's been so long......," She began, observing her fingers as she moved them in a graceful wave motion.

"Not long enough." I cut her off as if to tell her to get to the point.

"I was only trying to express how eagerly we have been awaiting you." She said, sounding obnoxiously sad and offended.
My eyes flashed, "Who's we?" I couldn't help the gritting of my teeth.

"Don't be daft, Crimson. You know Callum." She laughed.


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