18. Making The Future

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I sat straight in my throne waiting for Carlyle.
I tapped my nails and tried to keep a stern, solid face.

I flinched at the sound of the door as he walked in.

"Aìntìn Crimson." He addressed me , shaking his head in confusion.

"So you don't know why I called you?" I try to keep cold.

"It's irregular." He plainly states.

"Fair." I agreed. "I've called you because we must discuss your outings." I went on as cryptic as I could.

"Oh, Aìntìn. You shouldn't worry about that." He began in a smooth tone, taking leisure steps closer.

"Shouldn't I?" I raise my brows in argument.
He stopped as he couldn't hide the slight cocky expression on his face.

"I've just been.........basking in my last few moments of freedom before I'm weighed with the responsibility of the crown." His eyes shaded discreetly as to study my expression.

"Basking is one word for it." I gave a scornful laugh.

He blinked and and smirked.

"You can't go on like this. You may not be king yet, but you have a responsibility to uphold a reliable reputation for the people." I tried to reason.

"I don't give a shite what the people expect from me." He said, humor mixed with irritation clear.

"Don't you swear at me! I don't give a shite why you are careless. Fix it. I will beat you into a responsible king if that's what it took." I stressed and collapsed back in my chair.

"Crimson." He tried to sound personal and sincere.

"The kingdom will be in good hands.....,"

I leaned on the arm of the throne in stress.
"And why do I not believe you, Carlyle." I asked, rhetorically.

He seemed to be tiring of our talk and stood there silently, the cocky expression faded.

"To get to the point, I want you to stop wasting your time in the forest and take on just a few responsibilities." I gestured to him.

"As you wish, Aìntìn." He gave a slight bow and slipped out.

As overwhelmed as I was, I was absolutely over joyed when Roselyn visited.
She had gone back to take Desmond's place in Callyway and brought her daughter, Endwyne.

I lost track of Carlyle during Roselyn's stay.
She stayed for quite some time as her husband was traveling and the castle was being renovated.

One day, as Roselyn and I strolled through the open halls, I noticed Carlyle and Endwyne in the garden together.

I let it be, seeing them talk as young alliances was something I would encourage.

Then, after a few weeks, I found Endwyne had snuck into the kitchen and was tearing into the pork and dumplings with soda bread and some rare plums.
She looked at me for a split moment as she hurled over and regurgitated violently.

I took her to Eilene and told Roselyn of my suspicion.

As the days passed we observed Endwyne's eating habits and other symptoms and both agreed. She had to be pregnant.

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