Chapter Three

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"Are you sure we can't stay another day?" in that moment I could not agree more with the father of my child.

How were we supposed to take care of a newborn, whom I decided to keep last minute? We weren't prepared.

Thankfully, our moms pulled together and got the necessities for us.

This wasn't regret, it was panic.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Let's get her dressed and then I can ask the nurse for the discharge papers." I said to Puck, sitting on the hospital bed. It was still extremely uncomfortable to stand up for too long.

"These things are so small," Puck commented, holding up two of Beth's new dresses, that her grandmothers had insisted on buying, "she's like a little baby doll."

He moved closer to the bassinet, where Beth was laying, and placed a kiss on our baby's forehead. No matter how tough he makes his exterior to be, Noah loved his little girl so much.

This is where a dilema occurred, which dress to choose. My mother had chosen a white dress, with pink rhinestones and Debbie has picked a much simpler dress—only speaking to their differences—the top part said 'Hello, I'm New Here' and the bottom looked like a tutu.

If I didn't choose my mom's option, Puck and his mom may get offended; if I choose Debbie's option, my relationship with Mom had just barely been salvaged—emphasis on the barely—I didn't want to strain that.

"Can you bring the one from your mom, we can keep the other one for when we introduce Beth to everyone." I decided, reaching my hand out so that he could give me the outfit.

Once I had it in hand, Puck lifted Beth out of the bassinet—holding her like she was the most fragile thing in the world, against his chest—and walked my way.

"She's asleep," he stated, "can't we wait until she wakes up?" Puck placed her on the center of the bed, beside me.

"Maybe she'll sleep through me dressing her. Besides it one of the only three things she does." I wasn't too sure was I was ensuring—Puck or myself.

Because I have the best baby in the world, Beth slept through me putting the outfit that Debbie had gotten her.

"I should've known, Beth is perfect. She's my daughter after all." Puck remarked, picking her up once more. It was as if he could barely go minutes without kissing or holding our daughter in some way.

A knock on the hospital door was followed by Nurse Martha entering the hospital room, she held a form in her hand.

"Have you decided on a name?" she questioned, standing at the end of the bed.

Puck and I both nodded.

"Well then you guys can go ahead and fill out this birth certificate form." Nurse Martha informed us, handing me the form, "If you have any questions, feel free to let me know."

Readjusting myself in a new position on the bed, that would allow me to write on the table they used to put food on—is it even considered a table?

"Can you get us the discharge paperwork, so that we can start on that too?" I requested.

"Of course, I'll be right back with those."

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