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In the morning after they had all woken up, Toga had asked to go hunting with all of her boys. They were all reluctant but said yes. All knowing it would make up for last night.

It was late morning and they only go hunting at night so they would have to wait, so they had quite a while.

Izuku was the first to get up, He decided to make them a nice breakfast. Izuku had put on a pair of  green shorts and a black shirt.

He made his way downstairs and went to the kitchen. He wanted to make some pancakes today. Shiggy would eat them He really didn't care as long as it was food. Izuku then started to make the pancakes.


Shiggy woke up next, he saw that toga and dabi were still asleep. He knew that if he let them sleep they would be asleep all day. He then decided that he was going to drag them out of bed and onto the ice cold floor.

Toga got up in an instant as she had hit the floor. It had still took  a minute for Dabi to get up. 

Shiggy got dressed in a black hoodie and black jeans. Dabi was wearing the same time because he went threw Shiggy's closet. Toga was trying to decide what skirt to wear with her skeleton suspenders. Shiggy came from behind her and hugged her. Dabi hugging her from the front.

Toga had leaned into it and gave a content like purr. She nuzzled her face into Dabi's hoodie and put her arms around his neck. While Shiggy had put is head into her back trying to find that faint smell of blood she always has on her.

They reluctantly got out of their small cuddle session when Kurogiri knocked on their door. Toga let go and pushed Dabi away al little so she could see the inside of her closet. She went with and purple sweater and a black mini skirt to go with the suspenders.

They made small talk till they smelt the food that Izuku was cooking They ran down stairs to find that their plates were filled with pancakes. They had color coded plates, Toga had pink, Dabi had blue, Shiggy had red, Izuku had green, and Kurogiri had purple. 

Izuku looked in the living room to see them eating while they were watching the news. He knew that they were looking to see what the weather was going to be like that night. It was going to be a good night to go hunting according to the news. Izuku had brought out his own plate as well as Giri's, he gave the plate to the mist man and sat down.

At midnight

Izuku buttoned up the dress shirt and grabbed the forest green vest that went over it. Izuku fixed his shirt cuffs and re-tightened his boot laces, he slipped his gloves before looking in the mirror. He was wearing a white dress shirt with his green vest over it, he also had black dress pants, he also had black gloves. He then left the room, only to find three people waiting for him.

 He then left the room, only to find three people waiting for him

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This is what he looks like

" Wow Zuzu, it's been awhile since I have seen you in your full villain outfit," toga fawned over his outfit.

Izuku just nodded went to the couch and grabbed her knife. She had gratefully taken it and skipped out of the bar. Shiggy and Dabi had followed after her, Izuku just turned around and gave kurogiri a nod how then nodded back at him. 

In the city

Izuku leapt from rooftop to rooftop he was trying to stay with his pray, Izuku loved to chase after them it was a thill. He leapt from the roof and planted ten fingers on the back of their neck, he felt the power surge threw him as the person under him slowly died. He then giggled like a madman after they had died send scorching fire to the already dead body scorching it to a crisp. 

As he was hunting he would collect some blood from some of his victim as a gift to toga to tell her he loves her. Izuku climbed up to the rooftop. He lept from rooftop to the next one to be met with the Pro-hero Eraserhead. The pro-hero lunged for at Izuku only for him to dodge. 

"Eraserhead I'm your biggest fan it's great to meet you would you like to meet my friends as well." Izuku practically yelled.

Izuku was acting like a kid in a candy store.Without any warning Izuku was wrapped in a strong cloth and thrown to the ground.

"Well that's not very nice to your biggest fan now is it." He said as if scolding him while trying to get free.

Eraserhead just calmly walked over to Izuku and try to knock him out he failed miserably. Izuku just let out a sweet smelling breath. It was too late when he noticed that it was the kids quirk. He was already out cold.

Izuku just laughed took a picture and headed home.

At home

"So Zuzu, how many did you kill." "five" Izuku said simply. "I would have gotten more but Eraserhead got in my way." He then showed them a picture of a knocked out Eraserhead as proof. "Well I got 30 more kills to add to my list." Dabi said proudly. "Huh, well I only got 23 ." Shiggy mumbles. "Its okay Shiggy, you can try again next time." Toga said to try to raise his spirit. "Well my turn. I got 60!" she giggled.

This was no surprise to them toga always one at this game. But she did not have the highest kill count. That belonged to the beautiful cinnamon roll. 

Shiggy be angry that got less kill started to mumble as did the now angry Dabi. Izuku had noticed and climbed into his lap and layed there, hesitantly Shiggy accepted and let the boy lay his head on his chest. Then Toga and Dabi fought on who would get his right side as it was warmer than his left. Even though Dabi was a human heater he loved the physical warmth that Shiggy gave off. Dabi had one this time by telling Toga that she could have it next time which was always a lie.

Toga huffed and grabbed Shiggy's left side like it was her only life line. She held it like a baby koala bear and she didn't let go. Sooner or later the grip loosened and she relaxed ready for bed. They were all tired from their hunting and let sleep invade their minds. All going to dreamland to play with each other.

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