A child

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A few weeks after they started dating

with some more midnight hunting

Izuku had already suited up they were waiting on Toga. She just walked out and kissed his cheek. Izuku just chuckled and opened the door for her.

"Such a gentleman," she giggled and walked out of the door.

It had only been a couple of minutes when he spotted his next victim. She had beat up clothes and reeked of booze. He grabbed her with his shadows and burned her alive he decided that her quirk was too weak for him.

Izuku then grabbed a fire escape and climbed up and onto the roof. He did a quick scan for Easurehead. He did not want another encounter with that man, because if he didn't have the breath quirk he would be in trouble. He silently and quickly jumped on another unsuspecting target. Made sure his mouth was covered and let his shadows rip him apart.

Izuku had heard a scream and look to see petty thieves trying to rob a woman that was holding a child about three or four. Izuku didn't think his feet just moved and brought him to her. He killed the thieves. He felt at peace knowing what he had done.

 Izuku looked at the woman and saw that she was shaking and cowering in a corner now. "It's ok, but you should get home before more try to come for you," Izuku had stated. The woman just gave a shaky sigh. "Please can you take his I was here to leave him. Hoping that he would find a better home. My husband abuses him and me. Can you take him please?" She all but pleaded to Izuku.

Izuku nodded and took her son she thanked him and she ran towards the direction of her house, or what Izuku had assumed was her house.

An hour later

Izuku walked to the bar he opened the doors and slowly walked in. He looked around and saw Toga covered in blood with blood-filled syringes. "I met this woman and she asked me to take care of her child. She said her husband was abusive, so I took him," Iuku stated.  Toga looked at him like he was crazy while Dabi started to play with him. Shiggy got him some food for the small child. Kurogiri just sighed and went back to cleaning the glass cups.

A few minutes later

Izuku had gotten him to eat and let Dabi give him a bath. Toga was now cradling him and was singing him a lullaby. Izuku finally was able to assess how bad of a shape the kid was really in. The kid had horrible eye bags under his eyes and was covered in cuts and bruises. The kid did have gravity-defying purple hair like Izuku and purple eyes to match. Izuku felt this connection that he did not understand why. 

Izuku walked over to Toga and the kid, sat down and gestured that he wanted to hold him. "Let's name him Shinsou," Izuku whispered. Dabi nodded and Shiggy grunted in agreement. Toga gave a little squealed over the cute name and did that adorable fist-shaking thing that she does. Izuku ran his fingers through Shinsou's hair and leaned his head on Toda's shoulder.

Dabi picked up Shiggy and carried him over to the other two on the makeshift pillow pile. Dabi laid Shiggy on Toga's lap Dabi settled behind Izuku to cuddle into him. Izuku laid on Dabi accepting the cuddle gladly. Toga too this as an opportunity to lay her head on Izuku's leg. Izuku was now half asleep but didn't want to fall asleep before the others did.

"It's all going to be ok, Shinsous asleep and so is Shiggy. Toga and I will be fine, just go to bed sleepyhead," Dabi whispered in Izuku's ear. Izuku shudders when the cold breath hit his skin but listened to him. He let himself drift off into the land of sleep to regain his energy.

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