note; ahh this was so much fun! I hope you guys like this, I'm really really sorry if it's not good. I wrote most of this at two a.m, I woke up at one and read some rwby x reader (opzin and qrow melt my heart qwq) and went to work writing this!
The fluff alphabet is still very much open! And even if you've already submitted something - feel free to submit again! I don't mind uwu
Thank you all for participating! 💕
Valt Aoi
[ A | B | C |E | I | T | Z ][ A ] Affection
Valt is amazing with affection -- giving or receiving! He's pretty open with his feelings and won't hesitate to shower you in his love uwu I hope you're ready for that because this boy is not backing down![ B ] Beloved
He isn't really one for pet names, he sees using your name or nicknames as pretty intimate enough. But he'll call you whatever you want and high chances are he'll end up giving you a new nickname out of your habits and weird experiences you've had together.[C] Cuddle
I've said it before and I'll happily say it again. This boy isn't human, he melts around you.
He really likes being held but isn't against being the big spoon once in a while -- he'll always be up for cuddles! (There's more information on the cuddling | preference I made! uwu )[E] Embarrassed
Valt loves giving out compliments but when it's your turn to give him compliments - he blushes alot, almost sheepishly. He even gets flustered when you call just him 'cute'.[ I ] I love you
Who said it first? Him! He probably just blurted it out in the heat of the moment but he really means it.[ T ] Talking
He likes talking about everything and anything -- as long as it's something interesting and you've already gotten his attention. Of course he likes talking about beyblade, his friends and family and one of the best things created by mankind ;
beybread![ Z ] Zzzz
Valt is a very messy sleeper, he tosses and turns without even noticing. So don't be surprised when you wake up in the morning in awkward positions or tangled in each others arms.-
Sisco Karlisle [ L | P | V ]
[ L ] Love
A tsundere in love is something that's dangerously cute. At first he wasn't exactly sure what he was feeling towards you -- all he knew was that he liked you and he wanted you to like him too.
When the idea of actually being in love came into his mind it made him blush to the tips of his ears as he tried to push that thought away."Love? Gross." But he'll eventually ease up on the idea and try to pursue you romantically (he nearly gagged when thinking about - he was not a man of romance) not wanting anyone to have the chance he has.
[ P ] Partner
Something he would look for in someone is if they were headstrong, he likes someone who isn't just a doormat or a push over to other peoples wants or needs (he doesn't like it when people mindlessly agree with him either), someone he could butt heads with but not stubborn enough that they couldn't listen to reason or someone else.[ V ] Vulnerable
Oh, This is a really tough one.
I guess you could say he's vulnerable of being weak, he doesn't want to be seen as weak by anyone, especially you.(Sorry for that -- I admit this answer is rather lacking. )
Suou Goshuin [ A | I | K ]
[A] Affection
Suou is very reserved with affection. . . when your outside anyway! Once inside butterfly kisses, hugs, cute nose boops and everything else in between! He also really likes it when you show him affection first but won't say it out loud.[ I ] I love you
Who first said 'I love you'? Probably you, Suou isn't one for words -- romantic gestures -- of course! He prefers action instead of words but when you do say those three wonderful words. He doesn't say anything at first, a bit surprised but will then later say;
"I love you, too " rather softly.[K] Kiss
Suou asks first, because he's a gentleman and knows the importance of boundaries and he doesn't want to come off too strong, but he really does want to kiss you. His kisses are soft and gentle. . .until they aren't, but we keep it pg here.-
Delta Akane [ A | C | K ]
[ A ] Affection
Well, you can't count on him to make the first move that's for sure. You have to coax him a bit to get the point a cross that it's alright. He maybe a bit aloof when receiving your affection but he makes it clear that he enjoys and appreciates it -- he'll eventually ease up and try to return your affection as best he can.[ C ] Cuddle
Cuddling is a very intimate thing he tried to escape but eventually gave up, he was a bit stiff at first not sure how and where to put his arms around you correctly but he gets better -- if you ask him if he likes to cuddle he'll deny it to the bone.[ K ] Kiss
You probably initiated it first, or made some obvious moves and hints about kissing. He wasn't completely oblivious so he got the picture pretty quickly but was too embarrassed to actually do it
up front, but he finally does it - it's... hesitant, gentle and soft.
He gets better but again we keeping it very pg here :>(#fluffy fluffy
Also if you get that reference. I love you qwq)-
Free De la Hoya [ E | F | Q | U ]
[E] Embarrassed
Unfortunately the words 'flustered' or 'blushing' isn't really in his vocabulary. If you do try to make him blush by flirting with him; be very cautious because he will flirt back and try to one up you (assuming he easily gets what your trying to do as he can be rather oblivious to stuff like that sometimes).[F] Feelings He was. . . confused to say the least, he didn't really understand what his feelings for you were. His never felt like this,
so he doesn't necessarily handle it well, but once he finally realizes what he feels -- he'll be pretty blunt about and won't let it drag on.[ Q ] Question
Has he asked asked you a really dumb question? Yes, A lot really. Probably more than what you could count on one hand.[ U ] Unencumbered
Well, long naps are one of his most common way of relaxing (let him sleep on your lap and he'll relax even more), along with looking and petting animals.
Shu Kurenai [ D | N | W ]
[D] Dates
Shu isn't really one for dates, he considers a long walk in the park to be a date -- he finds dates rather confusing. So when you two eat together at home it's not a date but when it's in a restaurant filled with strangers it is?But he's open to all sorts of things, so if you want to go to an amusement park, a cafe or anything in between -- He'll be more than be happy to go, he just wants to spend some quality time together, doesn't really matter where.
[N] Nickel
Spoil you? No. It's just giving you what you deserve![W] Wedding
Shu's never really considered marriage before, it's not something that crossed his mind as he never thought he'd even fall in love. But stranger things have happened. His ideal wedding will mostly likely be a rather small one with only friends and family and it'll probably be outdoors.
That's for all now!
Thanks for reading! ^w^

Beyblade Burst [Oneshots]
Random+ Includes Headcanons, Scenarios and Match ups! [[ On indefinite hiatus ]]