Matchup | Anonymous
[You can send your matchup in pm-- whether it's anonymous or not it's up to you. >w< ]
“Heyo! Can I request a match up?
I'm kinda short (my friends tease my alot with this)-- I'm definitely the motherly type of friend, I like having fun but I tend to be strict when it comes to following the rules, I think I'm easy to talk to, People tend to say that I'm a good listener; I really like helping people, it makes my day. I love cooking and baking (I'm not good at it tho--) I like teasing people and I'm a bit of a worrywart.”
I ship you with
Wakiya Komurasaki!I think his the guy to go for the "mom" type, (totally not because of his lack of one as a child--) He'll tease you and you'll tease him ultimately and of course his the one who'll end up blushing like a tomato, He'll appreciate you being a good listener seeing it a definite plus as he'd have some problems he'd want to talk about to someone, Wakiya will probably find your worrying endearing as he hasn't had a lot of people genuinely worry about him that wasn't payed to. He'll probably tease you about your cooking but if he sees your passionate about it then he'll probably hire a professional chef just to teach you.
Other potential matchups;
Shu Kurenai and Christina Kuroda

Beyblade Burst [Oneshots]
Aléatoire+ Includes Headcanons, Scenarios and Match ups! [[ On indefinite hiatus ]]