Me: I can't make a oneshot about Lane. I barely know anything about him! He hasn't even--
Also me: Yeah. Let's do it!
So yeah, here's a quick oneshot I made at 4 in the morning -- it's sucks. That's it. It's not good but I had fun writing it qwq
Note: I originally posted this on my beyblade randomness book, but I probably should have posted it here first,,, anyways stan lane! *^*
Again, sorry if it sucks!
Your face scrunched up as you found yourself grimacing, as the familiar sound of a new launcher breaking reached your ears.
"Again. . ?" You muttered under your breath, pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Lane." You called out to him, as he glared down at the broken launcher in his hand, as if it had betrayed him in a way. "That's. . . the second one this week. You have to ease up your launching, you know? They don't give out medals for who breaks the most launchers."
Lane snapped his head up, giving you a passing glare. You merely shrugged giving him a small smile, he was the second person you knew that had a tendency to break launchers -- the first was a Titan by the name of Xhaka. But--Xhaka was absolute monster, in the strength department at least, other than that he was one the nicest guy you could ever meet. Lane in the other hand. . .
Your thoughts were quickly interrupted as a launcher was suddenly thrown in your direction --
Your eyes widened, as you instinctively moved to catch it. Thankfully you did, a sigh of relief escaped you before you peered across the stadium, brows creasing together. "Warm me next time, will you? I won't hesitate to punch you if one of your launchers ends up hitting me in the face."
Lane raised an eyebrow. "It won't hit you."
You rolled your eyes, not sure of what exactly he meant. Maybe he was confident in your ability to just catch things -- Hell if you knew. You looked down at the launcher in your hands. "Oh, poor guy. Should I start a cemetery or something? Like 'Rest in pieces Lane Valhalla's launchers' -- how does that sound?"
Lane glared, and scoffed at idea. Turning his attention away from you and towards the small little hedgehog perched firmly on his shoulder.
You laughed and walked towards the both of them. Lane watched as you reached out a free hand up to his shoulder -- only to quickly retract as if you had been burned, the aggressive hiss of his own pet reached his ears.
You narrowed you eyes at the hedgehog. "Not this again!" You said, and stuck out you tongue. "That's it no treats for you!"
And in an instance -- the hedgehog turned silent, it's quills slowly doing down, as if quickly understanding what you had just said. Your eyes widened in surprise, unable to really believe what you were seeing. It actually worked!
You smiled and quickly reached for the bag strapped on your shoulders -- gently placing the broken bey inside and grabbing a small transparent bag full of very small apple slices.
"Ta-da!" You said, showing it proudly.
Lane looked at you, unamused. "What's that for?"
You slumped. "What else? Harry. Duh!" You exclaimed, taking an apple slice for the small bag. "I did some research and found out what kind of fruits hedgehogs like -- cause there's no way in Hell I'm feeding it worms! No matter how cute it is!"
You looked back at him, and you could have sworn that there was the smallest hint of a smile on his face, but it disappeared too quickly, making you wonder it was even there in the first place.
You moved forward, oblivious to the now pretty much non existent space between you two, as you absentmindedly pushed the apple slice up towards the hedgehog's cute little mouth -- a small squeal escaped your lips as watched it happily much on the fruit.
Your eyes drifted towards Lane, quickly noticing he was staring down at you rather intensely, with furrowed eyebrows. Am I doing something wrong? You thought to yourself. Oh. And then it hit you -- right. You stood just inches away from him - you were bound to make him uncomfortable!
"Ah -- sorry." You muttered, and took a swift step back away from them. You glanced back at Harry, seeing him still enjoying his food happily perched on his owner's shoulder.
"Glad the little guy's enjoying himself! Maybe next time I'll bring him some melon slices." You exclaimed and waited for Lane to refuse, since he was so protective of his prized pet -- it's a surprise he let you feed Harry anything!
"Berries." Lane said out of nowhere.
You stopped, raising an eyebrow as you looked at him in confusion. "Huh?"
Lane looked to his shoulder, down towards his pet - avoiding your eyes. ". . . Berries are his favorite."
"Ohh!" You muttered. "Thanks for telling me. Hopefully if I keep giving him treats -- I'll finally get on his good side!" And then maybe he'll let me pet him. You said the last thing to yourself, you've been wanting to pet the little guy ever since you've met Lane.
"You want to pet him, Right?" Lane questioned with a light smirk as if reading you mind.
"H-how did you know?"
Lane stared at you before laughing. "You're more obvious than you think."
You opened your mouth to say something but was stopped as Lane stepped towards you --
"Do it."
". . . What?"
"Pet him." Lane said, a blank expression spread across his face, making it hard for you to figure out if he was joking or not.
"Wait. . ." You blinked. "Really?"
Lane nodded.
Your eyes lit up in excitement, you reached out a hand rather hesitantly but stopped inches away from his shoulder. "It won't hurt, right?"
He smirked at you but said nothing.
This guy! You thought - looking at his face, which now seemed to appear more punchable that usual. You rolled your eyes, then slowly and gently placed your hand on the hedgehog's back -- you waited for his quills to go up and another aggressive hiss but. . . nothing.
You felt something lift off your shoulders as you sighed in relief, continuing to pet the small animal. It wasn't the most comfortable thing to pet -- petting it was a kin to stroking a bristly hairbrush. But it strangely felt. . .nice.
You didn't know how long you had petted it the small animal, it could have been a ten seconds, it could have been a full minute but you had no clue. You looked back at Lane, almost laughing at the sight of his face.
You retracted you hand back to your side and smiled.
"What. . .you want a head pat too?"
Lane's eyes widened at your words, as he then gave you the deepest glare he could muster before turning to his heel and making a beeline towards the nearest exit.
You laughed. "Wait, Lane!" You shouted after him. "I was just joking!"
Thanks for reading!

Beyblade Burst [Oneshots]
Random+ Includes Headcanons, Scenarios and Match ups! [[ On indefinite hiatus ]]