Annoyance | Delta

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Delta Airlines| Delta Akane

“The sky only needs one star.”

“The sky must be pretty dark then.”


You smiled at him, observing as he continued to practice his lunch for what seemed like hundredth time today.

“You sure you don't wanna take a break? You seem exhausted.” You said though honestly who wouldn't, he'd been practicing for what seemed like hours, anyone would need a break by then well unless your were Free but he was practically a beast so. . .

“I'm fine.” He said through his teeth, not even making eye contact as his eyes kept steady on the arena.

You hummed in suspicion.

“If you kept working yourself like this your gonna get injured.” You informed him.

He froze in his tracks, hope began setting into your stomach feeling that you finally managed to talk some sense into him but that hope quickly went away as he snapped his head in your direction; a look of anger and frustration written all across his face as his dark crimson eyes glared at you.

“I never asked for your opinion.” He all but sneered at you.

You returned his glare. “I'm just trying to look out for you.” You muttered calmly trying to reason with him.

“I never asked you to.”

“You don't have to, I'm your friend. I care about you--”

“We are not friends so please get the delusion out of your head.” He said before going back towards his training as if to completely ignore you and what he had said mere seconds ago.

Your chest felt heavy, you took a deep breath trying to calm down not wanting let your emotions take control.

“Delta.” You called.

The words he said, his denial of friendship wasn't new he had said them all before yet they still hurt, why wouldn't they? You and him have known each other for years so why is it he couldn't just admit that you we're friends.

He didn't respond, didn't even spare you a glance.

You felt your breath hitch, clenching your fists; you glared at him, turning to your heel you walked away.


“So then you-- huh? [name]?”

You looked down at the plate infront of you, nearly empty except for a few peas you continued to roll back and forth with a fork.

“[name]? . . . Hey! [name]!”

You felt a hand to your shoulder, making you glance to your side seeing your friend stare at you with a look that was between worried and annoyed.

“You listening?”

You sighed. “I'm sorry, Drum.
I'm just not feeling so good at the moment.”

“Huh? Do you need anything?!” The blonde shouted, he looked like he was about to sprint to get whatever you needed the second you said something.

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