Chapter 7: Confrontation

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A/n Before we start, I just want to bring to your attention that I am writing this story while saying it out loud in a random, weird accent. Therefore, if I make any error or it sounds weird, just know that I did not edit and that this is completely one draft and it sounded hilarious In my head. Also, read the authors note at the bottom.

Dylan's POV:
As soon as everyone left Charley alone, I walked up to her.
"Who is it and what are they doing to you?" I asked, concerned.
Charley looked at me, confusion and fierceness in her cloudy eyes.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Dudley" she said, with an awkward confidence in her tone of voice.
"Ehhhhh... it's Duncan" I corrected, a tiny bit concerned.
She looked over at me and literally, to my face responded with.
"What's Duncan?"

I didn't know if that was the time to internally face palm or to be very, very worried.
"Nevermind, Clarice" I said back, but I was just as surprised at her answer.
"Okay, tell me when you feel like it"

I blinked a couple times, before walking away, twice as confused as I had walked in.

? POV:

I face palmed, quite disappointed at my daughters stupidity.
I was even more surprised at how Dudl- Duncan didn't question further.
He didn't seem stupid though, so I better finish this plan before he finds out.

Charley's POV:
Yes, I just called Duncan Dudley and I answered to Clarice.
I couldn't risk him getting hurt, but I knew I had to tell him.
I just didn't know how.

The World Is Quiet Here

A/N Soooo.... this chapter was mostly just to get something out tonight (and I hope you find it as funny as I did)
PFPDOR! (Pink fluffy penguins dancing on rainbows. Duh)

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