Chapter 1

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You banged on the front door, and a woman answered it, she looked to be in her early twenties, brown eyes and hair, sharp eyebrows.
"Can I help you?" She asked you softly.
"I am Special Agent Fox, I am with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Pardon me for the inconvenience, but I will need to stay in your house for a few days." You said to her, showing her your badge.
"Why?" A voice yelled from behind her. A man now stood in the doorway. Appeared to be in his mid twenties, blue eyes and blonde hair.
"May I come in? You wouldn't want me to say this outside where the neighbors can hear."
"Let me see some ID." You handed him your badge. He studied it closely, and handed it back to you, and opened the door so you could come in.
"Thank you." You said as you entered the house. You then turned to both of them. "I only ask to stay in your house for one reason. We are hunting a murderer, five homcides have already occured. Truth has it, you're the next target. As I have already said, I am Special Agent Fox, I work with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I am part of the CID, which stands for Criminal Investigation Division. I am one of their highly trained officers, so unless you want to die tonight, the estimated time in which the killer will attack, you will let me stay."
"So what your saying is basically we are making a deal, in order for you to stay here, you protect us from the killer or whatever." The man said.
"Alright whatever. Babe, show her the guest room."
"Thank you." You said to the woman and she gestured to you to follow her. You did as she asked.
. . .

You woke up in your bed and looked at your clock. 3:30 am. Wonderful....another day of waking up at 3 in the bloody morning and not being able to go back to sleep. I shouldn't have this problem. You got out of bed and started walking down the hallway.
You heard a scream from a room in the house you were staying in. You ran to the room as fast as you could, racing up the stairs. You burst in through the door to find the young couple bleeding out on the floor, the room in a mess. The lights in their room were busted, and you noticed scratches on the walls. Blood was everywhere. Someone came up behind you and grabbed your mouth. You bit their finger as hard as you could, tasting blood. The culprit screamed and jumped out the window. They will be back, because it was a 2 story fall, or they won't?
You went back down stairs, being sure to stay quiet. You grabbed the silver knife your father gave you, and got the salt from the kitchen. Ain't no way in bloody hell am I dying to a stupid monster. You hear a noise behind you and spin around, swinging your right hand outwards, grip firmly holding onto the knife. You felt the knife plunge through their throat and felt the blood splatter on your face. It fell to the floor, you went down in one swift movement and stabbed it in the heart, multiple times. You took the knife out, and stood up, and shot it with a silver bullet.
"I thought it was you deputy, nice seeing you here tonight. How are you, oh wait, must've forgotten, you're dead." You started laughing a little. Then stopped. Stupid shape shifters, they never understand what they are up against.
"Sammy, remind me not to piss her off."
You spun around quickly.
"Who the flip are you? What are you doing here?" You held the knife towards them, pointed so you could throw it if needed, and your gun in the other hand, cocked and loaded.
"Hey, hey take it easy, we are not here to hurt you." Said the shorter one. He was good looking, piercing green eyes, gorgeous dark hair, yet he seemed a bit nervous. Of course he is.
"Look, we know that what you just killed was a shifter, or shape shifter. How did you know how to kill it?" The tall one asked.
"I ask the questions here, not you. Now answer me, who the flip are you, what is your purpose here, and how do you know what shapeshifters are?" You asked, knife and gun still ready to kill the strange men.
"My name is Sam, this is my brother Dean. We are hunters, we hunt monsters, that's how we know what they are." The taller one said. He had long hair, brown eyes, and looked like they changed color depending on the lighting. He was tall, maybe 6.4. Talk about freaking moose, the shorter one, whats the name, Dean is a squirrel compared to this guy.
"Sam and Dean, Winchester I'm going to assume. If you were here sooner, you might have just gotten to bag the guy. Oh well, too slow I suppose." You said to them.
"Yea, who the hell are you? We told you who we are, about time you tell us who you are."
"My name is Y/N L/N" You said. They both stare at you in awe.
"What the heck are you staring at, your the Winchesters, legends, went to hell and back, Purgatory too, for that matter. So quit staring like you're 5 years old."
"Well, yeah but your Y/N friggin L/N! You went to hell, ganked a hella lot of demons while you were still there, then went straight into Purgatory and ganked friggin monsters souls for crying out loud, then went to heaven to put friggin God into his damn seat and made him actually do his work. You think we are freaking awesome, look at you! You're a friggin beast! You're a legend! You can't tell me any difference. We are nothing compared to you." Dean said.
You took a deep breath as you closed your eyes. You probably looked annoyed. You only did those things to actually get stuff done. You thought no one did anything around here. Dang it, now even the Winchesters think I am some sort of idol. Wonderful.
"Look boys, I appreciate the fact that you think I am bloody amazing, but if you really knew me, I'm not, okay? Please, don't treat me like I am some type of goddess or something. I would rather be treated like a normal hunter, especially by you boys, is that understood?'
"Okay, fine, but you're still freaking awesome." Dean said.
"I'm totally fine with that, as long as the same goes for us." Sam replied.
"Good, now that we are done with that, can we please get moving before the cops get here?"
"Yea, but can you lower your weapons now? It's freaking me out." Dean said.
You didn't even realise that you were still holding the gun and knife up. You lowered them apologetically.
"Thank you, you know for a moment there I thought you were still going to kill us."
"Sorry." You muttered. You all walked out the door. The Winchesters started walking to the famous, or used to be anyway, 1967 Impala Chevrolet. Dang, I love their car. You started walking along the sidewalk as it started to snow. Dean called out your name. You stopped and turned around.
"Where are you going?" Dean asked.
"To my car."
"How far is it?" He asked you.
"A few blocks down."
"No way in hell am I letting you walk in the snow, looking like that, alone at night to this so called car you got down a few blocks. Get in."
"Dean, Sam, I appreciate your offer, but I must refuse."
"Did it sound like I asked you to get in the car? No, so get in the car." Dean said to you impatiently. "I'm freezing my ass off out here so get in the damn car."
You laughed as you started to walk to the Impala.
"Come on. Can't you walk any faster?" Dean said.
You started walking slower just to annoy him.
"You don't have to hold the door open for me, I am perfectly capable of opening it myself."
"Screw this." Dean said, as he let go of the door and got in the driver's seat. He started the car right when you sat down. Just as you closed the door, he sped off. My God, I'm in a car with a lunatic at the wheel. I'm going to die in this car.

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