Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


"Sam, sorry not sorry." I said, smirking.
"Emma, what are you doing?!" Sam said, his eyes already on the knife in my hand. I smiled, and an evil dark smile.
"Fulfilling my mission for my bae. He is also my lord." I said to Sam, swiftly walking towards him.
"I almost succeeded last time, but you wouldn't stop moving, your brother somehow survived, but it's obvious that I can't kill him right now isn't it? Anyways, time to go Sam."
I was already at his side. I thrust the knife towards his stomach, it practically flew into his flesh. I smiled as I felt his blood splatter on my face. His hands immediately flew down to his stab wounds, I took out the knife and slammed it back into him. Different areas. Two sab wounds, then three, four, five, and soon there were ten. Sam was already dead on the floor.
His eyes were glassy, but I checked his pulse just to make sure. Yep he was definitely dead. Sam Winchester was gone, because he thought that he could exorcise one of the queens of hell.
Lucifer didn't order it, but I wanted to kill Y/N for sure, and Michael of course, on Lucifer's orders. I started walking out to the hallway.

. . .


I stared in awe at the fact that Y/N could just force herself into the memories of one of the many queens of hell. I was starting to understand why this Dean Winchester loved her so much, she is amazing. Looking through Dean's thoughts and ideas earlier today, I found out something big. Dean is planning on asking Y/N to marry him. I almost feel bad for the guy, I mean, he isn't going to get the answer he wants, unless she rebels, not that she already hasn't but the point still stands.
Y/N was back in reality, and next thing I know is one moment she is there, and the next she is gone. Take Emma with you, but follow me. She said to me telepathically. I grabbed Emma, and took off after Y/N.
Next thing I knew was that we were out in the middle of nowhere in some forest. To be exact, we were in the RedWood forest in California. RedWood National Park if I am correct. Y/N had Sam in her arms, dead Sam. She carefully set him down on the floor, making sure he was comfortable. She then looked behind her, her eyes glowing light blue, practically white.
Let her go now Michael, thank you.
I let Emma go, and she took off running. I started after her, and Y/N's hand flew out in front of me, holding me in my place.
"Don't Michael, that is part of hunting, the chase always comes after you find your target, and target we have found, so the chasing begins." She said, a devilish smile creeping across her face.
"Let Dean come out." I did as she asked, and subsided so Dean was present.

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