Chapter 37

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Chapter 37


I'm going to die someday, just like everyone else, that's a happy thought. You opened your eyes. Only darkness loomed around, and you could feel yourself suffocating. You clawed at the things around you, and you broke through the surface. You took a deep breath of air, and then breathed in and out. You climbed out of the hole you were in, and took a long look around. You were in a grassy plains, tall grass was everywhere.
You looked to the right, and the tall grass appeared to go on forever, to your left, was an animal. A horse. Tall, black, and alive. You slowly walked towards it, and it looked at you, and started walking towards you. It sniffed you, and tried to eat your hair. You climbed on its back, and it's ears turned towards you, listening for your command. You kicked the horse's sides, and the animal took off. The hooves pounding the floor quickly, the sharp, low breathing of the animal made you realise that you weren't dreaming, in fact you were very much alive. You came across a road, and followed it.
The road ended at a gas station. You got off the horse's back, and went to the door. You knocked, no one answered. There was a sign that said closed, you broke down the door. Inside the station were aisles of junk food, beer, drinks, almost everything a human could need. You found a fridge full of water bottles and immediately opened one, gulping down the water as fast as you could. One bottle of water was gone in three seconds. You found a tub like container and put it outside, filling it with water, and the mysterious black horse drank gratefully. The animal was as thirsty as you were.
My name is Dean Winchester, my brother's name is Sam Winchester. A voice in your head rang. It grew louder, so loud you fell to the floor.
We are hunters, we hunt monsters. Vampires, werewolves, shape shifters, demons, angels, archangels, you name it and we are there. We live in the men of letters bunker. My father was John Winchester,and my mother was Mary Winchester. Deceased. My best friend's name is Castiel. He is an angel of the lord.
You started screaming in pain. Everything hurt.
My girlfriend's name was Y/N, she killed herself.....she was an archangel. I have pictures of her on my phone. Sam never told me about her.
The name Y/N kept ringing in your ears after that last sentence. Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. You screamed so loud, the glass windows at the gas station shattered. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. You screamed even louder. Then you blacked out.
. . .

You woke up on the horse's back again, the horse already running through a town. You recognize the place. That's when it hit you, Lebanon Kansas. The place of the bunker. The Winchesters. The men of letters. The angels, archangels, Lucifer. The thought of Lucifer's name made you shiver. Then you remembered the deal with the empty. Once you return, you are human, and Gabriel, still archangel, but your noble steed.
You looked at the black horse's neck.
"Gabriel?" You whispered.
The horse seemed to nod in response. That's when his voice entered your head. Took you long enough to figure it out. You know when you passed out on me I thought you were dead. Again. Anyways, thanks for taking me out big sis, but did you have to make me a horse? Seriously.
"You should be happy I even brought you back. I could've just left alone you know. Besides little brother, you know you love me."
And sometimes I hate you. But I do thank you for bringing me back. Why are you a human?
"I made a deal with the empty. If I came back with you, I would be human, and you would be a horse, if not then we wouldn't have come back at all."
I see. Thank you for choosing a beautiful horse then I must say, friesian was a very good choice. How long will I be this horse though?
"Not for long Gabriel, I promise. The same goes for me. I just have to get my grace back, and it will all be good."
After riding for a while, Gabriel finally got to the hill of the bunker, and trotted the rest of the way up. You hopped off of his back and went to the door of the bunker. You hesitated on opening the door. You grabbed the key from your pocket, and walked inside.


I heard the door of the bunker open, and looked back at the kitchen table. Sam was still there, he then looked at me. I grabbed my gun from the waistband of my belt, and Sam did the same with his. I started to walk up the stairs, and Sam stayed at the bottom, covering my back. That's when I saw her. Those beautiful eyes, the long hair, the sexy body, the gorgeous face. It was her. Y/N.
She closed the door behind her, and looked in my direction, finally seeing me. Her amazing eyes widened. She teared up, seeing the gun pointed at her face. Sam ran up the stairs at my side. His eyes widened at the sight of her. She started to walk towards us.
"Don't move." Sam said. "We don't know what you are. Y/N is dead. You are not her. Keep her here Dean." Sam ran down the stairs, and came back rather quickly with some silver and some holy water. He handed her some silver, gunned still trained on her. Nothing happened so he threw the holy water on her face. Still nothing happened besides the fact that her expression changed.
"It's me. Y/N. I missed you too Sam." She said, Then she looked at me. "Sorry for putting you through that Dean. But I had to get someone. And I couldn't get him unless I was dead. You knew him as a human figure, he is a horse now, and I am human."
"Who did you have to get exactly?" I asked her. I was a little jealous that she killed herself in front of me just to get someone.

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