Chapter 41

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Chapter 41


You woke up in a bed, and you soon realised that it was not your bed, not Dean's bed, not even Sam's bed. You got out of the bed and looked around the room. There were little decorations on the wall, there were two beds in the room you were in, and on one wall there was an open door. You walked through the open door to find two more beds, and identical decor on the walls.
You heard a door open from the other room, and ducked down behind a desk. That's when you heard voices.
"She isn't in the bed."
"Maybe she woke up."
"Well no shit Sherlock."
You realised it was Sam and Dean. Another voice sounded.
"Boys, we know she woke up, where is she?" That was Castiel.
"She couldn't have gone far, she probably doesn't even realise where she is." Jack's young voice.
"Let's look around the room first."
You heard their footsteps start walking around the room. You didn't even know if they were actually Dean, Sam, Jack, and Castiel. You pulled a silver bladed knife from your boot and got ready to jump one of them.
You looked around the room, you saw a better hiding spot, one in between the bed and the wall. It was a tight space but you knew you could fit into it. You quickly looked at the door, and before someone stepped through, your vision went through the wall.
Jack and Dean were about to walk through the door, but they were moving slow, too slow for normal human time. You looked at Sam and Castiel, they too were moving slower than us all. You quickly took your chance and rolled to your hiding spot and again, went into a ready-attack pose.
Time went back to normal. Jack walked past the bed and then you took your chance. You sprung out from the hiding spot, diving at his chest. Everything blew away from you and Jack, and you felt your wings unfurl. Your shoulder collided with his chest, and you both fell to the floor. You immediately got on top of him, and held your knife to his throat.
"Who are you?!" You screamed.
"Y/N it's me Jack!"
"Wrong answer! Who are you!?" You screamed again, your knife prodding into his throat.
Jack tried to throw you off of him, but you felt your wings flap and you threw him back on the floor, his head hit first, knocking him unconscious. You heard footsteps running toward you on the left and looked up, raising your hand.
Dean flew into the wall, cracking the plaster with the impact.
"Who are you?! Answer me!"
"Okay, Okay! Take it easy-"
"I will not take it easy! Who are you?! Why am I here?!"
"My name is Dean Winchester, Liam attacked us, he destroyed the bunker. We are here because the bunker blew up, we got out just in time. You blacked out before that happened. Please Y/N just calm down."
You considered what he said, and two other figures stood at the doorway. You looked at one, and saw his true form. Castiel, angel of the Lord, rebelled for Sam and Dean Winchester. You slowly lowered your hand, and Dean fell on the floor, cradling his arm.
You fell to your knees, and placed your hands on the floor. Everything was back in order, the crack in the plaster was replenished, like it was never there. Jack was now conscious, and Dean no longer cradled his arm. You walked up to Dean.
"Dean I'm sorry for hurting you. I also apologize, but my power is back, which means your training with Micheal will have to resume. Micheal, your coma is no more. Come back and train him." With that Dean was gone, and Micheal returned. His eyes glowing bright blue. You smiled.
"Nice to see you again little brother." You said, hugging him.
"Same goes for you as well." He replied.
"Let us leave them."
You both let go of each other, and were gone, and started your plan to take on Liam, for you already knew Liam would bring back Lucifer.

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