Best Friend

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At first, I barely knew who you are,
I barely talk to you,
Our paths don't always cross,
But there is something about both us,
That fate used and put us together..

We are just two people who barely know each other,
We barely talk, we don't even know each other well,
But then, life is so playful,
Because in spite of our differences,
We become what we are right now.

It was something I didn't expect,
It was something that caught me off guard,
But then, it was a blessing for me,
A blessing that God has given to me,
He had given you to me,

We become best friends,
And that two words aren't enough to define us,
To define this friendship we have;
To define who we really are,
But we are.. two souls put together.

You are my best friend,
Someone I wanna keep forever, or beyond,
Someone I cherished the most,
You are somebody that I don't wanna lose,
Because after all, you are my best friend.

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