~Your Back~

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"Do you know where our class is?"

"Yeah, I do."

"You sure?"

"You really have no faith in me, do you?"

"After what happened last week. No, I do not."

Said person rolled his eyes while approaching a door. "This is our class. Class 1-A" The both of them opened the door and walked in, looking around and not seeing anyone in the classroom just yet. "Looks like we're the first ones here Shoto. Let's go to our seats." Both teens walked towards their seats in the last row and sat down. 

A few moments pass and little by little the classroom starts to get filled up. "Todoroki twins!" The twins look to their left, seeing a very familiar face walk towards them. "Hey Yaoyorozu." Momo blushes slightly at Shoto and smiles. "Hey!" Shoka looks at her and a small smile tugs at her lips. "I didn't know you were going to be in our class. Glad to see a familiar face in here." Momo looks down at her and smiles slightly. "Couldn't agree more." After a few more minutes the teacher walks in and everyone goes to their seats. "Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher for the rest of the semester and welcome to the hero course." Aizawa takes out a blue outfit and shows it to the class. "Put these on and meet outside."


"I wonder what we're gonna do."

"Right?! I hope its something cool!"

The students are currently in locker rooms, putting on the outfit that they were instructed to put on. Shoka ignores everyone and undresses, changing into the outfit everyone was given and walks out of the girls' locker rooms. While walking to where they need to be, she starts thinking about her life and everything that has happened up to this moment. 'I wonder how the two of them are doing. I haven't seen them in years...' Lost in her own world, Shoka bumps into someone. "The fuck! What where your going ass-" The person stops in their tracks, shock evident of their features. "Shoka?" She looks up from hearing her name and her eyes widen at whose in front of her. "Bakugou..."

"Kacchan! Hurry up, everyone's almost already-" Shoka looks to her right to see an all too familiar face.

"....Midoriya.." His eyes widen in surprise, sadness and confusion clear in his eyes. The silence was interrupted by a sudden explosion coming from the male in front of her. "Bakugou, I-" Said boy grabs Shoka by her shirt collar and pushes her forcefully against the wall. "Where the fuck have you been! Years Shoka!! It's been years!! Why did you suddenly stop showing up, huh! Did you get tired of hanging out with us! Why the fuck did you leave!"

"Hey!! Let go of my sister, asshole!!!" Shoto ran towards the two and pushed Bakugou off Shoka, grabbing her by the wrist and putting her behind him. Bakugou glared at Shoto, tiny sparks coming from his palms. Shoto looks at Shoka, rubbing her wrist with his thumb knowing that usually calmed her. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" She shook her head and looked down. "Answer my question, damnit!! Why the fuck did you stop coming!"

"Stop screaming at my sister! What did she do to you that you just push her up against the wall and start yelling at her!"

"Kacchan calm down!" 

Bakugou looked at Midoriya sending him a glare. "Fuck off, nerd!" He turned back to the twins, now glaring daggers at Shoka. "You gonna answer my question!?" 

"Stop yelling at her, damnit! Who the hell do you think you are to be yelling at her like that!!"

The two of them went back and forth, yelling and calling each other names. A sudden sob was what stopped the arguing. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to stop showing up! I just didn't have a choice!!" Bakugou, Midoriya, and Shoto all looked at her confused. " Sis, what are you talking about?" Shoka looked up from the ground, tears streaming uncontrollably down her face and eyes red and glistening with sadness and guilt. "I didn't mean to hurt you guys and make you feel like I didn't wanna be friends. You guys were my first friends after all. I just couldn't- I couldn't show up anymore!!"

"What do you mean you couldn't show up anymore?" Bakugou growled, but voice quieter than before.

Sudden realization washed over Shoto's face and he looks down at his sister. "Shoka, are these-" She looked at Bakugou, tears still rolling down her face and eyes now showing regret and yelled, "I'm sorry Kitty Kat!!!" And with that, she fell to her knees, sobbing. Shoto bent down and pulled Shoka into a tight embrace, comforting her.

Aizawa shows up a few moments later, confusion written on his face. "What's going on here? Why aren't you guys with everyone else?" He looked over at Shoka who was still crying. "Is everything alright?" Shoto looked up at him and nodded "Everything's fine sir. We'll be there soon." Aizawa nodded and started to walk away. "Alright. Hurry it up, I want you guys with everyone else in 5 minutes." Shoto nodded and looked back at Bakugou and Izuku. "So you two are the ones she always talked about when we were little."

Izuku nodded, now standing next to Bakugou. "And you're the twin she talked to us about." Shoto nodded, looking back down at his sister who was no longer crying but shaking violently. "She wasn't lying when she said she it wasn't her choice to stop showing up. It was our father's. She was caught sneaking out and I was caught helping her sneak out. Some things... happened and neither of us were allowed to do anything about it. So don't blame Shoka for what happened." Shoto got up off the floor, helping Shoka help as well and walking to where everyone else is.

Bakugou looked down at Midoriya who was already looking up at him. "What do you think happened?" Midoriya said voice laced with worry.

 For once, Bakugou showed an expression other than anger and his voice got soft and quiet, eyes glistening with curiosity and worry, "I don't know, but we're gonna find out."

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