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Grumpy Bear AKA Daryl Dixon: "Grumpy Bear continually grumbles about anything and everything, especially about always being the one who ends up having to do all the work

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Grumpy Bear AKA Daryl Dixon: "Grumpy Bear continually grumbles about anything and everything, especially about always being the one who ends up having to do all the work. But he never lets anyone help him, it's all part of the act."

Cheer Bear AKA Katherine Dixon-Williams: "She's the cheerleader of the bunch. She gets the adrenaline flowing with her spunky attitude and optimistic views on almost anything."

>>Word count; 1188<<

~6 year time lapse~Luna is 22~

~Katherine's Pov~

"When're you coming back home?" Luna asked. "Don't know yet," Daryl said as they built the fire, it was getting dark. We've been coming out here from time to time, sometimes just her, sometimes just myself and sometimes both of us. "How do you not get bored.?" She asked throwing some sticks in the pile. "You're bored.?" He asked looking at her, She looked at him. ".. No," She said. Daryl scoffed, "Yeah why'd you come.?" He asked. "Because.." She said. "Cause what.?" He asked. "There's not enough sticks." She said pointing at the pile. "Don't change the subject." He said looking at her. "Oh he will bug you until you say it and you know it so just spit it out." I said looking at her with a smile. "No." She whispered. "He can hear you." I whispered back.

"What happened?" Daryl asked looking at me. "She-" "I'm!-" Luna quickly said standing up. "- Gonna go get more firewood." She said. "Right.." Daryl said looking up at her. "Mhm." She said and walked away. "What..?" He asked looking over to me. I shrugged, smiling a little. I was sitting down, leaning against the tree a few feet away from him. "Angel..?" He asked. "Angel." I said nodding. "What's taking her long.?" He asked getting up and dusting off his hands. "What took you so long.?" I asked smiling softly at him. I felt really tired today, i was already sleepy and the sun wasn't fully down yet. "Hm." He said coming to me. He sat down next to me, "What happened this time.?" He asked sitting down, "That is not my story to tell care bear." I whispered resting my head on his shoulder. He sighed at the nickname, I closed my eyes and he looked at the water.

"You're seriously not gonna tell me? This is the time you shut up.?" He asked, I giggled. "I'm not talking to you for a week." I opened my eyes to see Luna pointing a few sticks at us. "Me or him.?" I asked (Rosa from tiktok: Me or her?). "Tu! If you tell him." You! She said then looked at Daryl. "And i won't visit you for a week." She said crossing her arms. "Gives me more time with your mom." Daryl said smirking. "Gross." She said. "What are you 12.?" I asked, laughing a little at her expression. She looked at Daryl. "You're a dick sometimes. You wouldn't miss me.?" She asked looking at him. "Not with your mom here." He said.

"Why'd you marry him.?" She asked. I gasped and took my head off Daryl's shoulder. "Hey!" I said putting a hand on my chest. "Watch it sunshine." He said. "That was mean. Apologize to my husband." I said narrowing my eyes at her. "Shut up." Daryl said hitting my knee slightly with his. "Fine, Sorry.." She said looking at us. She's been upset recently, "Yeah." Daryl said throwing a pebble at her. "Okay yeah- bitchy comment. I was just kidding.." She said looking at us. "Mhm." I said looking at her.

She looked at Daryl. "I had a fight with Angel before I left." She said. He nodded a bit. "Mm," He said biting the inside of his cheek. "That's all i'm saying.." She said looking back down at the pile, She tossed some more sticks in the pile. Daryl got up and went back to her, "So fix it." He said helping her get the pile ready for the fire. Dog came over to me and sat down by my legs. She stayed silent, breaking a longer stick to make it fit in with the rest. He whistled softly at her and she looked up at him. "Find a way to fix it, You two'll be alright." He said. I smiled softly at both of them, I loved them both so much, more than anything in this world..

Luna met Angel about a year ago I think, at the Kingdom. They really hit it off but last time I went to deliver a letter to Carol from Maggie, they had a fight and ever since that she's been really upset. "Okay," she said softly. "Alright.." He said and they started the fire. He looked at me, I still had the soft smile on my face. He looked away from me then back down at the fire. "Let's go." He said looking at Luna, "Where.?" she asked. He walked over to the tent and grabbed his crossbow. "Hunt for dinner." He said and handed her his bow.

She took it, "Wait, really.?" She asked smiling at him. "Mhm." He said. "I don't know how to use this thing.." She giggled. "I'll teach ya," He said walking to me, He leaned down and kissed my head. "Don't fall asleep. You gotta eat first." He said, "Mhm." I said softly. He walked over to Luna, "You never taught my mom." She said as they walked. "Nah, she's into knives." He said and they went to the woods. I pet Dog and he looked back at me, I sighed a bit. "Just you and me buddy." I said softly.

~Later on that same night~

Luna was sleeping already, Daryl and I were still out here by the fire. "When are you coming back?" I asked re-asking Luna's question from earlier. He shrugged slightly, petting Dog. "Ion know.." he mumbled. "I like it out here. I've always been better out here. Even before this I was always in the woods.." he said looking at the fire. "So you don't wanna come back, that's what you're saying." I said. He looked at me after a few seconds.

He's been out here for a long time, at first he was looking for Rick's body but now he's just out here because he liked it.

"Would you be mad if I said I wasn't.?" he asked looking at me. I looked at the fire thinking for a bit. "You know where i'm at.. I'm here all the time. You can come and go as you please." he said. I nodded a bit, "Yeah, and i don't know.. I don't think so. I mean i miss you, i only see you like once a week when before i saw you every single day. It's just the change, I'll get used to it." I said softly. "I miss you too," he said softly. I smiled a bit and looked over to him. "I do." he said. I smiled a bit more and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed me back,

"I love you." I said softly after I pulled away. "Mhm." he said getting up. He put the plates down by the fire. "Thought you said you were tired." he said. "I am," I said. "Go to sleep, i'm gonna check the traps. I'll be back in a little." he said. I nodded a bit. "Alright," i said getting up. "Don't wait up." he said and came back to me with his crossbow. He leaned down and kissed me quickly then pulled away. "Cmon." He said to Dog and they both went into the woods.

A/N: I'm struggling with Lunas sexuality

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A/N: I'm struggling with Lunas sexuality.. idk if she should be  Lesbian or BI. I chose the name "Angel" bc it's a name that can be used for both females and males yk? Rn i'm leaning for her to just liking girls bc i think we've only had Tara and Yumiko&Magna. But i think they were BI, Tara liked Glenn and Denise, Magna liked(s) Yumiko and her last ex which was a guy.

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