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Not in that way.

He has done it over and over again. Why did I expect something different? He had taken my heart with my soul along with it. Crushed it so many times I've lost count. He always says 'know your place'. It hurts seeing him, breathing the air he does. It hurts even living a single day of my life because the throbbing ache in my heart makes it hard to breathe at times.

"Where do you think you're going Melbourne Arthur DeLain?" I turn. "I'm leaving Hugh, I can't do this anymore." My voice was low and controlled.

"Going to where? This is your home, everything is here, you don't have any friends and no family that I know of so tell where are you going?." He stood there his domineering aura hit me so hard I flinched and moved back slightly.

"Hugh I can't do this, after keeping my feelings to myself for 7 years I finally told you and you crushed the last vestige of my heart, I got the message, You don't want me I got that, you don't love me fine, just please let me out I'm tired, exhausted, just please let me leave." I was in tears as Hugh stood there amused.

"Mel don't be difficult we have been through this little game of yours and I highly doubt you want me pissed because of your lack of obedience." Hugh had his hand on the case I had packed my stuff in placing it on the floor.

"Why are you doing this Hugh? You want to control me, command me to do your bidding, be your puppet. I don't want that anymore! I have no friends because of you!, I have no life outside this penthouse because of you! You control my life with a schedule, each and every male that even lays his eyes on me is beaten or broken for doing it! What do you want? You don't love me you said it yourself."

I may fuck males Mel, but I would never touch you, You're not what I want, you're not the in the least attractive. There is Nothing you can give me.

I remember clear as day the day I confessed and he rejected my feelings and ever since that day it's been hell. I have been living for almost two years with that pain and ache in my heart.
He just says I love you, Just Not In that Way. It's pitiful really that even after all this while I still loved Hugh.

"I love you, Mel, just not in that way. Now get up to your room this instant before you regret this little stunt!." I cowered away even more to the wall. There was no use trying he would track me down and drag me back.

"I'm busy right now and I have no time to deal with your petty situation here, be useful and get up to your room and do some paperwork better yet, get in the kitchen and cook something for yourself, I will not be tolerating this tirade of stupid emotions from you got that!!" In that moment I ceased to breathe for a bit, my feelings meant nothing to him. He drags me to the stairs harshly but we stop and he turns to me with those cold blue eyes.

"You're tired get some sleep." He wipes my tears away.

He was Hugh Lamont my boss, my best friend the man who I held unrequited feelings for. I turn back and walk toward the stairs not caring about the men in the room his other assistant and friend from the mafia he once dabbled in before becoming Hugh Lamont the Billionaire.

I was pathetic to love this man, I was weak to even think I had a chance of an escape when I've done this so many times and failed. He was the devil and I was to do his bidding whether I liked it or not.

"And Mel next time you try to leave I will shoot you before you pass the threshold." His voice was cold and devoid of any emotion.

I didn't turn back I just kept dragging my case upstairs. Stumbling as I took each heart-clenching step. Physical pain was better than this torture. He would do it and I knew very well what he was capable of doing. It's been my life for 8 years now almost 9.

He stood there watching me until I opened and closed the door to my room. That's how he was he would watch my every move looking for any imperfections in the puppet he had created.

I throw myself on the bed. It was painful living here, working for him, it was painful even trying to think of leaving Hugh. He was my best friend, my only family, and the love of my life altogether. I just wanted to get rid of this pain, I tried to find someone else to love, poor Hill I don't even know where he's buried.

I cry for all of it, for the pain I was enduring, I cried for love that I would never have, I cried even more after my tears stopped and I was left to hiccups and sobs. All night I stir awake in bed unable to sleep because my heart was bleeding it was aching I couldn't do anything about it.

For a long time, I adored him from afar, I loved Hugh like no other he was it for me. I never wanted to develop feelings and a gut-wrenching attachment to him but I did. He was always there when I needed him. He was my superman in school, he was my hero and protector in College and when he was involved with drug deals and guns I was there to patch him up.

When he earned his first million I had celebrated with him. He kept me by his side at all times that the men and women who he was always with looked jealous, some even threatened my life because I was too attached to him. If only they knew. I chuckle bitterly.

I fell in love with him, unknowingly I handed my soul to the devil. When I confessed my feelings that's when it all went downhill. The tears prickle my eyes, they stung trying to keep at bay so I let them fall.

You can't offer me anything Mel, be a good best friend and do your job. You aren't replaceable if you were I would have but I can't.

You live in this house with me, this is your home and nowhere else can ever be your home.

Do you think he's worthy of you, I highly doubt it so I got rid of him. He was a pest which kept you from doing your job properly.

Don't forget your place in my life, Now get on with it and don't you dare question me.

The nightmares are unrelenting so I just wake up and look at the ceiling hoping that tomorrow is better.


This book is not edited, any mistakes, grammatical or otherwise, I will correct in due course, Thank you.

Check out the CEO's Paramour set in the same universe as this story.



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