Chapter 16: Taste of Home

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Love, in Greek mythology, does not necessarily end well most of the time. Except for a select few, that is. I have always been fascinated by how Eros and Psyche fought their way through the meddling of the Olympians but what interests me the most is how they reflect love and soul. Maybe the human soul and love are two sides of the same coin, one must not exist without the other. So we drown in the passion and struggle that comes with it. 

The entire process may prove to be just exhilarating.


With the return of Ian's memories also came the return of responsibilities. His father wasn't going to manage his affairs forever so he had to take up the reigns of his restaurant chain again. This change (or more like, resumption to how it used to work before) had agitated him since he had to fly in and out of Switzerland all the time, which withheld him from spending more time with Sam (and I'd like to assume, with me too).

Sam on the other hand was handling the situation as best as a toddler possibly could, especially since he gets new trinkets from wherever his father comes from every single time Ian gets home. His eyes would light up as they would talk hours on end about his dada'th nwew adventuwe until he falls asleep on Ian's lap. Ian would then make his bawi to me. He'd spoil both me and Sam the entire duration of his time with us which usually lasts 2 weeks at most before he has to fly out again, leaving me with a tear-stained face fussy baby. But in all honesty, I almost have to drag him to the airport whenever he has to leave because one whimper from Sam, his resolve melts. One time, he ended up cancelling a very important business trip because his son sported those ridiculously cute puppy eyes, the following day Tito Alfredo came barging in with his usually fair looking face all red, ready to combust.

"You cannot just cancel on a 30 million Euro business transaction!"

But he is as stubborn as any person can be so he ignored his father. That merited him a good mouthful of Spanish litany and me a good laugh at his uncomfortable face as he got berated like a child

"It's a one-time thing!"

"Make sure it is"

His father warned him before bidding me goodbye and sincerely wishing me a very nice day like a screaming match didn't just happen

"I swear my family likes you more than they like me" he grumbled while scratching his hair.

I chortled at his statement, "I'm pretty sure you like me too".

His face slowly morphed into a playful expression that had me backing away from him.

"Ian, no" I warned before I started sprinting away from him. It ended up into a huge habulan that had Sam shrieking in laughter.

"Dada fathter, catch mum, fathter fathter!"

Of course, Ian had him cheering for him and I was caught in the losing end of a tickle match that amused the little boy too much.

"I yield!" I screamed between my laughter and the tickling ceased.

"Dada won!"

We ended up getting ice cream cones that night.

And I took upon myself the mission of kicking him out of the apartment whenever he had to go somewhere before Sam can put up a protest.

I enrolled Sam in a day-care center so he'd be able to socialize more with people his age since it wouldn't do him any good if all he ever know are Mum and Dada.

Love in the Time of Vanity FairTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon