Chapter 6

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Hey guys I know I haven't updated for a really long time.
I'm so so sorry xox :)
Anyway here is the next chapter

Ellie's POV

I sat their the whole time with my hands fisted together under the table. Anger and jelousy boiling up inside me. Every now and then I would see Dani smirking at me from the corner of my eye.

Finally the bell rang , the hour of hell was finally over. I gathered my books and pens and ran out of the class room.

After a little while I began to slow down And walk towards my locker, my books close to my chest.
Suddenly I felt my head hit something hard and fell back onto my butt.
"Sorry , I didn't see you there" said a sexy voice. The boy stretched his hand out pulling me up.
" Naa I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I mumbled
As I lifted my head slowly I met a pair of glittery blue eyes.
"Are you new here" I asked him hesitantly. I've never seen him before. He's a head taller than me and has light brown hair. He's actually very attractive. "umm yeah, I just moved from Wales"

I smiled kindly and asked him what lesson he has next. We both have maths next. After I changed my books from my locker. Andy and me went to class. He sat next to me so all we did the whole lesson was get to know eachother.

His a very nice person. his name is Andy, his half welsh and half Irish, he has 2 sisters and a brother and his favourite colour is baby blue and he LOVES food, I already like him :)

The teacher let us go so we both raced to the lunch hall. I won :D
We sat and talked some more. He's soooooo funny. I was crying he made me laugh so much ;)

As I took a sip from my juice carton someone coughed loudly , making me jump . Who else would it be apart from Jake. He doesn't look happy ...

What do you guys think ?:)
Maryam xox

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