Chapter 13

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Ellie's POV

This mall is so crowded today i can hardly breathe, we've been here for at least an hour and haven't found or bought anything apart from some gum.

I've seen blue,pink, purple and turquoise dresses but I didn't like any of them, either they were to short or too tight or too small, I couldn't find a dress I acctualy liked.

"Ellie I think I found something" Katie said excitedly running towards me. She held up a navy blue dress that wasn't too long or too short and had some sparkles at the top. Its the best we've found all day and I really like it, let's just hope it fits.

"Come on try it on" Katie pushed me into the changing room, handing me the dress and closing the curtains.

"What's taking so long" Katie grumbled impatiently as I was doing up the zip at the back.

Stepping out, she gasped.
"Oh my gosh, it's perfect Ellie, you look beautiful, Jake won't be able to take his eyes of you"

A blush crept onto my cheeks thinking about Jake. Katie wiggled her eye brows at me as she could tell I was thinking of Jake.

"Katie how much did you say this dress was?"
"Oh umm let me check" I spun around so she was facing my back as the price tag was at the back.
"It's £300"she said slowly
"It's not too much Isit?" I asked her thinking about all the people in the world who would live of that money for a year. I felt bad but it's not as if I spend that everyday, I can't even remember the last time I spent that much.
"You don't often buy stuff like this and I think once in a while it's ok to spend a little more than usual" it's like she reads my mind but I guess she's right.

"Go take it of and get dressed, we need to go find you some heels now" Katie said that bit of excitement coming back. Katie loves this kinda stuff, shopping, makeup, hair and shoes. Don't get me wrong I love all that girly stuff too but I also like things like skateboarding, surfing and football.

I payed for the dress and we exited the store, the bag in my hand.
"Can we get something to eat before we go on the hunt for my shoes" I practically begged.
"But the shops are gonna close soon"
She eventually gave in.
"Ok fine, I'm also kinda hungry but after this we go straight back to shopping"

We pulled out our seats and sat down.
"So where's Jake taking you for your date?" She asked with a big grin on her face.
"It's a surprise, he won't tell me" I said pouting at the end.
"Awww well I'm sure he's gonna make it special" she said cheerfully.

After a little more chit chat the waiter came.
"What would you lovely ladies want" the waiter asked, sending a wink to Katie. She has a boyfriend and is very faithful to him so she just gave the guy a small smile. I never really liked James(Katie's boyfriend) he seemed very sly, secretive and not very truthful but he makes Katie happy and as long as he doesn't hurt her I guess I'm ok with him, but if he does ANYTHING to hurt her I will bury him alive.

"Can we have the 2 chicken burgers, fries and drinks please" I said politely
"Of course what drinks would you like?"
"Umm il take the Miranda" I said and gestured my head towards Katie.
"Il have Pepsi please"
He nodded writing it down.
"Your food will be ready in 10 minutes" he said before leaving us and heading back to the counter, turning his head one last time towards Katie and smiling.

"Ooo"I teased Katie "someone's interested"
She blushed like crazy.
"You think his cutteeee" I sang
"Keep it down" she panicked

"Ellie I need to talk to you about something, I didn't want to bring it up today because I don't want you to worry while your on your date but I need to tell you now" she said fidgeting in her chair.
"Don't worry, you can tell me anything, anytime, were sisters, that's what were here for". I consider Katie as my sister, were so close, we trust each other with anything and tell each other everything.
"I have a feeling James doesn't like me anymore or is cheating on me he blanks my texts sometimes, hangs with his mates more and quite often goes to places with people and doesn't tell me where or with who and I've realised in school he talks a lot to a specific girl I see him with a lot, I know I might just sound like a protective and jealous girlfriend but I really think something else is going on" she finished
"Katie I don't know what to say but I think you might be right" I finished sadly.
"Il talk to him later" Katie said quietly tearing up. I passed her a tissue and rubbed the side of her arm comforting her.
"Listen Katie, your a beautiful, funny, clever girl and if James doesn't see that then it's his loss, I'm sure plenty of guys are dying to be with you, especially mr can't stop looking at Katie over there behind the counter"
She smiled and giggled lightly."thanks Ellie, you always know how to make me feel better and by the way I do think his pretty hot"

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