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Meredith's pov:
I look at my mates a bit unsure. He definitely won't be too happy with them, but I can't change my mates. I also can't leave them! After all those years I have been looking for them!!
„If I am going to tell you their names you need to promise me to stay calm." I say after some deep breaths, even if they are unnecessary it's a habit that somehow always helps me calm down.
„Of course Meredith! Why shouldn't i?" he says with a chuckle. Well, if only he knew. Guess there won't be an easy way to tell him. Hopefully he won't just shout and tell me to leave them right away!
„Alec, Jane Demetri and Felix. They all found me when the other vampire tried, well you know what he tried." I tell him, trying to sound as strong as I could muster.
„You mean the four volturi guards, right?" he questions after a few seconds of silence.
„Yeah. It looks like they are all my mates. Surprise!" I say with a nervous laugh. Ugh, why does it have to be so complicated?
„That's Great Meredith! That means you are going to be completely safe from now on!" he says sounding relieved and happy. Which surprises me a lot! Strange, he always told me to be careful around the volturis and now he is fine with them being my mates?
„So you are happy for me?" I ask him a bit irritated. Still I can't just ask him since when he is fine with the volturis. Especially not in front of them! That would only cause more problems than we already have with them!
„Of course I am happy for you Meredith!! You have searched for them for ages! So as long as they don't hurt you, I am absolutely thrilled for you!" he tells me honestly. Slowly a relieved smile forms on my face. Relieved that he won't have a problem with my mates and even more so that he didn't get angry with me.
„Thank you! That means a lot to me." I say softly.
„Of Course! So I am guessing that you stay with your mates?" he asks me sounding a bit sad but still happy none the less.
„I guess. I don't know just yet." I say a bit unsure. We haven't talked about anything just yet. They only brought me here to talk with aro and than he already called.
„That's ok Meredith. I am afraid I need to go now, the boys want to go play baseball . They are already glaring at me for making them wait. I call you tomorrow to our usual time! Have fun and get to know your mates! Love you Meredith!" he tells me and I can hear the others arguing in the background.
„Love you too. And please tell everyone I said hi!" I say before ending the call. The kings all look pretty amused while I can hear my mates growling at me. Turning towards them with a confused frown.
„Why are you guys growling?" I ask them irritated. Instead of an answer they pull me tightly into them. To my luck I am no human, otherwise I am pretty sure I wouldn't be able to breath!
„Kids! Please be careful with her!" Marcus scolds them gently and their grips loosen a bit right away.
„You don't tell anyone that you Love them! If it's not any of us!" Demetri growls lowly and threateningly. His statement hurts me a lot to be honest. Carlisle is my brother, he always was there for me no matter what! How can they tell me to NOT tell my family that I love them. I slowly untangle myself from them, I never thought my mates would be this harsh, this controlling! My family means the world to me! Yeah, I am away from them right now but that doesn't change my feelings towards them.
„Love? Are you ok?" alec asks me softly. I can see his worry swimming in his eyes. The others also seem worried even hurt that I took a few steps away from them. But I can't stay this close to them if they won't allow my feelings towards my family.
„Didn't you guys listened to what my brother had just said? The bond between your mate and her family is tighter than usual! So the only thing your statement just did, is pushing her away from you and surely hurting her!" aro says with a disappointed shake of his head.
„May i leave now. Please?" I ask aro who looks shocked but he also seems to understand right away.
„Benjamin will bring you to your room." he says. An about thirty year old looking vampire comes forward and tells me to please follow him. He walks me through a lot of different corridors, before he stops in front of a huge double door.
„Master aro asked me to make sure that everything is to your liking. So if you would like to change something, please don't hesitate to say it and I will make sure it will get changed right away!" he says with an unsure expression. So I make sure to smile at him in thanks and than open up the door. Wanting to be alone for some time. I need to think about everything that had just happened in the last hour! If that vampire didn't thought of me as an appetizing snack, than I wouldn't of met my mates. I instead would be now in a different country, far away from my obvious controlling mates. Slowly walking around in the room. Two doors, probably a dresser and a bathroom, a humongous bed stands opposite of both of the two doors. There are huge windows and even one door which only can mean there is a balcony. Feeling myself brightening right back up in glee! I love balconies! Quickly opening the door and stepping out onto a huge balcony. I seriously have to hold on to myself from squealing out loud. The balcony is overlooking an amazing garden with lots of different flowers and plants. Taking a deep breath to smell all the different sweet smells from the flowers. Yeah! I think this is going to be my favorite spot in this room. A knock throws me out of my thoughts and instead make me look towards the entry.
„Come in." I say, knowing whoever stands out there would hear me anyway. To no big surprise my mates enter the room. They all look pretty apologetic, once again alec was the first to hug me.
„We are really sorry my love! It's just that we have been looking for our mate since forever and we are pretty jealous. I guess we were afraid that you would leave us again." he says quietly. The other three nod along with what he has just said.
„Ok, but I won't stop telling my family that I love them. They were always there for me, especially Carlisle. He knows me since my birth!" I say after a few deep breaths. Again I turn around to overlook the wonderful garden beneath me. When four different sets of arms rap around me, I smile shyly. Jane being extra sneaky, since she has made her way around me and is now cuddling me from my front. A warm feeling spreads in my whole body, being this close to all of my mates feels absolutely amazing. Like i feel complete and safe for the first time in my whole existence. That is something i know i can definitely get used to.

Mated to 4 volturi guardsWhere stories live. Discover now