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Meredith's pov:
She looks at me shocked.
„How did you know!" she wants to know angrily. Only smirking wider at her.
„Had a feeling that you did. You also weren't looking at anyone as you said you didn't, that most often hints to a lie." I say with a shrug. Marcus squeezes me to silently tell me that he was proud of me.
„What were your plans with little Renesmee?" I ask her making sure to look her dead in the eyes. Needing to be sure she will tell me the truth.
„I, we, we were planning on." she says but stops mid sentence. Lifting an eyebrow at her she suddenly starts to babble on in a monotonous voice.
„We were planning on studying her. Pascal liked the thought of having sex with her, her creamy and warm skin rubbing against him. When we were finished we planned on turning her to make her an immortal child. Everyone knows that the Cullens are her family therefore they would of been the ones to take the blame and we could of took over their lives."
I really needed to hold onto me to not just rip her apart right then and there! When she came back to her senses she was confused and panicked at all the threatening growls coming her way.
„You wanted to rape that little cutie!?" alec asks her venom dripping with each and every word.
„No! We, we didn't!" she try's but no one was believing her at all.
„Alec, son! I do understand you! I promise we all do. But this is not our existence to take. So please call your mates family and ask them to come here right away. We do have a present for them they will be very pleased off!" aro instructs with sadistic eyes. Oh!! I do like the thought of that! I like it a lot to be honest!
„Felix and Jane, please bring her into the dungeon. I will allow you some time with her, just make sure not to kill her." he goes on and gets two wide smiles from them. Nina as I remember her name to be, screams and try's to convince us of her innocence but no one listens to any of it.
„demetri, please come and hug your mate. Our darling is a bit shaken up by everything that had just happened." Marcus softly says trying to calm my shaking but without any success.
„It's ok princess! Your little pumpkin is safe! Nothing had happened to her, don't worry!" Demetri says while hugging me into his strong chest.
„You are free to go to your room, we however will be coming in a few hours to check on our dear Meredith." caius says and I can here the sad tone within his voice. How comes that they all do care so much for me? But whatever it is, I am more than just happy that it is that way.
„Heidi, can you please open the door for us?" Demetri questions softly not wanting to let go from me, not even one arm and I am more than thankful for it.
„Of Course. I do hope you feel better soon shorty." the beautiful woman says. When we arrive in front of mine and my mates bedroom I whine in distress that now he might need to let go of me.
„Ssh, you are fine!" he whispers, softly swaying left and right with me. An unknown voice questions if we would need some assistance and Demetri is quick to ask him to please open the door and to shut it after us again.
„Thank you Ernesto." he says seconds before the door shuts behind us again. Feeling myself slowly relaxing at that, my eyes burning from the tears that I never will be able to let fall.
„Pumpkin." I mumble out in distress. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to relax without talking to someone from my family, Demetri quickly pulls out his phone to call them.
„Emmet, Hey it's Demetri! Could you please talk to your sister real quick?" I hear him say before he softly hands the phone to me. Still not letting go of me though, only sitting down on the bed with me in his lap.
„Pumpkin?" I whimper out, still afraid that something might had happened to her. It's my fault! I should of stayed with them and protect her along with my family!
„Limba Bean it's ok! Your pumpkin is completely fine and safe! Alec is talking with Carlisle right now. As far as I know we all are going to Italy in a few minutes so we are in the middle of packing witch confuses her, but other than that she is fine." My teddy bear softly explains. Hearing some mumbled voice from the back of him.
„i should of been there to protect her!" I choke up. Feeling like the biggest asshole for not doing so. How could I of left this small innocent being? Especially in a world with monsters behind every corner!!
„Auntie! Me is coming to visit you!" her sweet and happy voice suddenly tells me through the phone. And I am sure that if Demetri wouldn't of been holding me, I would of crumbled down on the ground in pure relief that my little pumpkin really was doing fine.
„Yeah, you are pumpkin! I missed you so much!" I answer her, trying to sound normal and not make her worry any more.
„Are you ok Auntie? You don't sound like you normally do?" she asks and I know exactly how she must look like right now. With her confused pout and wide innocent eyes wide open, her head slightly tilted to one side.
„That's just the phone Pumpkin! I can't wait to hold you in my arms again!" I tell her slowly feeling myself calm down again.
„Oh! So me is sounding different also?" she asks interested. How can anyone even have such a sick thought about that cute little girl!?
„A bit yes! But you still sound like my perfect little pumpkin!" I reassure her with a small smile.
„Ok!" she says with a giggle.
„Me needs to go now. See you soon! I will give you tons of hugs and kisses! Missed you!" she says, surely blushing in embarrassment for her statement.
„I can't wait for it! Be safe on the way here and stay close to everyone ok!?" I instruct feeling my worry getting back again.
„Always Auntie! Daddy said me is not allowed to be away from him and mommy." she tells me, making me instantly relieved at that.
„That's very smart of your Daddy! I can't wait to see you pumpkin!" I say softly smiling to myself.
„Me too! Bye Auntie!" she says before someone else takes the phone again.
„Feeling better now limba bean?" emmet questions knowing fully well that I do.
„Yes! Thank you teddy bear! I can't wait to see you all!" I tell him and only seconds later the phone call ends. Cuddling a bit closer into Demetris chest.
„Better princess? Is there anything that I can do to help?" he asks me softly.
„All better! Thank you! Can we just cuddle?" I say before asking a bit embarrassed. He doesn't laughs or something thought, only scoots his back on the bed and throwing the blanket over our body's.
„Cuddles sound fantastic!" he whispers already pulling me tighter into him.

Mated to 4 volturi guardsWhere stories live. Discover now