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Meredith's pov:
It is unbelievable how amazing it feels to sit in my room, surrounded by my mates and my baby boy in my lap.
„How old were you when you got turned and since when are you turned in a vampire?" Felix asks me after about an hour of other questions asked.
„I was fourteen, nearly fifteen though and I got turned ten years ago. Vladimir thought I was perfect to pass on. That's what he told me before biting me." my baby boy answers, shuddering at Vladimir's name. Kissing the back of his head once again in hope to sooth him. Jane also is quick to squeeze his hand in hers with a reassuring smile.
„The important thing is that you now are here with us." Demetri tells him, smiling softly at him. It was heartbreaking when he has asked us if he really was allowed to stay with us. He told us how much he wants to stay since we all were so nice to him and even allowed him to drink some blood. Only thinking about how hurt he was and how many cracks he had on his body makes my heart went out for him. I have informed him on how much stronger he is than all of us, to hold out for so long. It must of hurt him really really badly as he had climbed my body to help me. But he did it none the less because he knows right from wrong. I do also know that I am going to make sure he never has to feel thirst ever again. Not if I can help it in any way.
„Mommy?" His soft voice gets me out of my head again.
„Yes baby boy." I say and look right into his worried eyes. My mates also look a bit worried but I have no idea why.
„you were spaced out for quit some time. Our baby boy was worried my love." alec explains.
„I am sorry baby boy. You don't need to worry for me. I was just lost in my head." I say softly caressing his face. How could I of gotten so lucky with my mates and now with our son?
„Mommy, can you show me the library you have told me about?" he asks me unsure but that will change in no time. I know that in no time he will realize that we love him and that he has nothing to be afraid of.
„Of course baby boy! Let's go. I also want you to meet Heidi and ask her to please go and buy some clothes for you." I answer him, holding out my hand to him which he is quick to take with a cute smile on his face.
„Do you guys want to come along?" I ask my mates who watch us with hearts in their eyes. Guess I am not the only one our son has wrapped around his fingers. They nod and slowly walk behind us while the both of us talk about everything and nothing. Whenever I hear his giggles i feel all giddy and warm inside.
„Wow! This is a really huge library!" he whispers out in astonishment. His eyes shining in awh and amazement.
„And I really am allowed to be here? It looks way too beautiful." he suddenly asks afraid he may entered somewhere were he wasn't allowed to be.
„You are more than welcome to be here little one! From now on you are a part of this family, and as such you are allowed everywhere within this castle as well as the gardens. In times you will learn that we all care a lot for you, till than just know that you are safe with us." marcus says coming around one of the huge book shelves.
„Sorry to interrupt your family time darling, but I heard his question and needed to answer him." he apologizes to me even though I don't get why.
„There is no reason for you to apologize! You are my family as well. And I do find it lovely of you that you want to reassure my son." I answer him making him kiss my forehead with a soft smile.
„Thank you darling. So I am guessing you also love to read since your parents brought you here?" he asks the cutie standing closely next to me.
„I really love to read sir." he answers really shy. Marcus right away frowns a bit since he just got called sir.
„That's Great little one! Your mum and I do love to read as well, so I tell you what. There is another library where only people with the love for books are allowed in to. But since you do love books as well, I am going to make sure you get your own key for the library as well." he tells the boy that suddenly looks at him with wide eyes and an even wider smile. He moves so quickly forward and hugs Marcus, we nearly weren't even able to see it. The smile on Marcus face was priceless.
„Thank you sir! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Paul says bouncing on the spot in pure excitement. Giggling at his cute antics.
„You are more than welcome little one, but no more sir nonsense. I am marcus or grandpa since I see your mum as my daughter." marcus informs my boy with an honest smile. Paul right away nods in understanding and happiness.
„Thank you grandpa!!" he says and I see the big tuff vampire king become teary eyes in joy.
„you are welcome little one. I am going to let you spend some more alone time with your parents and get your key made. Have fun!" he says, kissing my and Paul's forehead once again before leaving the library.
„So, any book you want to take along with you? You could read it later on in your room." I ask him and see his eyes brighten up yet again. Quickly running up to the book shelves squealing in joy.
„Guess our little man is faster than any vampire I have ever seen." Felix says with such proudness I went over to him and kiss his lips in a loving manner.
„What about us?" Demetri whines a bit, so I kiss him, Alec and Jane as well. Not like I need much encouragement to do so!

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