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Meredith's pov:
Ever since the moment on the balcony my mates have not left my side. Carlisle is still pretty calm about the fact that I am mated to four volturi guards, he also is calm about the fact that I started drinking human blood. He informed me on how he only cares for how I am feeling and that I am safe. Of course he would of liked it if I stayed vegetarian but he also understands that here aren't any animals nor would the Kings approve of my diet. To my surprise and relieve thought, they have allowed me to drink from blood bags instead of humans. Marcus was fine with it right away, the others didn't understand why I wouldn't want to do it the old fashioned way. After I explained to them that it's really strange to do so since I only fed on animals for nearly my whole existence. I also told them that since I often was destined to become someones food, i feel for the people They want me to drink from. They seem to agree after my explanations that it's fine for them if I instead feed from the blood bags. Of course aro and caius weren't too happy about it but they accept it, which is more than i had expected. So of course I was and still am really relieved about that, since I was afraid I wouldn't be able to hurt or kill anyone. My guess is that they really only were afraid that I would like to turn their ways of feeding or that I would judge them. But that's not the point! This decision is a personal one, so if they like to feed that way, than so be it. If they don't judge me, why should i judge them?
„Ah, I see they finally left you alone for a change?" Marcus says with a chuckle the moment I left my room.
„They Did, aro send them on a mission." I answer him with a giggle.
„You do realize that he send them away so you can breath a little?" he tells me with a chuckle. It's funny how all of the three kings have taken on a fatherly role towards me. They always make sure that I was being alright and that my mates are treating me good.
„I know! He told me after they left!" I answer him giggling again. His chuckles join me while we walk the hallway.
„So what have you planned while they are gone?" he wants to know with a thoughtful look. Shrugging, I haven't really thought much about it.
„Maybe I go out to shop. I mean if I really am going to stay here I should get some more clothes and stuff." Marcus looks complete surprised at my simple statement.
„So you decided to stay with us?" he asks me hopefully.
„My greatest fear was that you would insist, i should drink from humans. Since that is not the case, as well as the fact that I do love my mates, I decided that it would be best to stay. That is if you guys would allow that." I answer him before a bit of worry overcomes me. Cold hands engulf me and press me into his strong chest.
„We would love it if you would stay with us!! The only reason we haven't asked you, was that we were afraid of your answer. And as for your diet, no one of us really care what you feed of or how you feed. You do have really good reasons why you don't want to kill anyone, we understand that!" he softly tells me, still holding me closely.
„Well, I guess than it's time for me to buy some clothes. I hope it's alright if I do so?" I say with a bright smile. Happy that they do want me here!
„Well, with your gift it won't be a problem at all. I would however feel better if Heidi would accompany you. Your mates wouldn't like it if you went out on your own. You know How overprotective they are. So to prevent any upcoming argument take her with you." he says with a chuckle. Well, he does have a good point with that.
„You are right! Than i am going to go and look for Heidi. I do hope she wants to come along." I say with a nod.
„Here! It's your card, don't worry about any prices." he says while handing me a black credit card. Looking at it with a small frown.
„That's really nice of you and I honestly do appreciate it, but I have my own money." I say not taking the card he was holding out for me to take.
„I know that you have your own money, but as a part of our family you have a right to spend our money. I know that you know how vampires are with family. Especially since I know how Carlisle always makes it his top priority to be there for his family, as well as taking care of you guys. So you should also understand the need from us to care for you." he explains with a smile on his face. Sighing, knowing he won't take no for an answer, I take the card, even if it is giving me an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.
„Do i really need to use your money? I mean I haven't done anything for you." I ask him. It's true though, ever since I got here, I haven't done anything that would be considered useful.
„Don't be silly darling! You have brought your mates, my brothers and me so much happiness. Since you are here, your mates have been much calmer and we haven't had any problems with any fights within this coven. So you have done way more than you might think." he explains encouragingly. Is he sure about that. I mean, I guess they are calmer now that they have found their mate, but still that wouldn't be considered work. Right?
„Don't think so much into it darling! Believe me, we have way more money than we could ever spend. So please buy whatever your heart desires, no matter the price!" he adds after watching me carefully. Sighing once again before I nod in agreement. If he really insists, i am going to use it. Even though i will make sure to not spend much money on anything.
„Heidi, what an amazing coincidence! Meredith has just informed me that she would like to go shopping. Would you mind coming along with her?" Marcus questions an obvious surprised Heidi. Her face right away splits into two from her wide smile.
„Of Course!! I love shopping!!! Come on Meredith, I know exactly where to go to!" she says already taking my hand to make me walk along.
„Oh and Heidi please make sure she doesn't worry about any prices! And she also needs a full wardrobe!" Marcus slightly yells after our retrieving backs. Damn, there goes my chance of not buying anything too expensive.

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