The kiss

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I swear my doorbelle is going to run out of power the next time a guest arrives at my house although most people just walked right in. Why? Well Audrey is why. She invited 'some' people over to my house for a 'small get together' tonight. It has turned into tons of people at a huge party. I didn't mind. Although her and Abigail were making out with.. Well anyone. I was in my room when I heard a soft tap on my door. I slowly opened it to find Tyler slouching yet smiling. He walked in and sat on my bed. I closed the door and leant against it. He moved over on my bed then gestured me to sit with him. I smiled and did so.


"Hi. Wouldnt you rather be downstairs? Its rather boring up here."

"No. And no. But wouldn't you?" I laughed and shook my head

"Of course not. Im not your typical party animal if you get my drift." Tyler gave a small shrug and moved closer to me. "What are you do-"

"Ssshhh."  I barely nodded. He slowly leant in and all at once his lips were at mine. I nudged him away slowly. He didn't move an inch. My brows furrowed in frusteration. What did he think he was doing?!  As he got the hint my eyes bolted to the doorway. My door squeaked open wide enough for me to stare into a outrageous Audrey's eyes.

"What are you two doing!" She yelled forcefully. Tyler jumped off me as if he'd been shot in the heart. Twice!  And landed smack down on the floor. His eyes were flickering in shock. Audreys were going to pop out of her head!

"Its definitely not what it looks like!" I blurted out. Tyler still sat there with twitching eyes. My heart was racing.

"Then what is it!?" I was silent. I had no clue! What was that!? I looked at Tyler, Audrey followed my gaze.

"Tyler?" He looked at me thoughtfully, "What was, that?" His train of thought was bursting. His expression was changing madly.

"I. Dont. Know." Without words he looked at me and said "sorry." I squeezed my eyes shut in disbelief on what just happend. My eyes shot open to see a crowd forming around my bedroom door. Audrey, Abbigail, Courtney, Jessica, Mallory, and other people i had know idea they exsited were coming and going until I gestured for Abbigail and Audrey to come in then slammed my door and locked it when they did.

"Umm what happend?" Abbigail asked helplessly

"Well Tyler and Addison were doing some sort of makeout session when I came in." Her eyes widend as her jaw dropped dramatically. Audrey nodded her head sarcastically.

"We were not! He " I didn't want to rat out my best friend. But I really didn't know if we were friends anymore. What did he even think of me? Was our friendship some sort of joke to him. Because it sure wasn't to me.

"I kissed her. She did nothing." His face was hidden by the drop of his head. Audrey continued glaring at me. "So if youre going to be mad at anyone. Be mad at me."

  What should I do? I could give him all the blame and speak the truth. Or take equal blame and lie. I have about 10 seconds to decide..........

"Thats not true. I kissed him too! Im also to blame. If blaming anyone is even necessary..." I mumbled the last few words.  My eyes moved towards Tyler slowly. His eyes were widend, jaw dropped, and looked completely joyfilled. It was all gone in a matter of seconds when Audrey had to disagree. She huffed

"Well which one of you is lying?" She muttered sincerely. Tyler and I had dazed expressions while think of an answer. Audrey tapped her foot impatiently. "Im waiting!"

"He was lying." I mumbled. He nodded slowly. I felt mad that he let it go so easily. Yet happy it was ending.. Well. If thats even possible in this situation.

"Trying to stick up for Addi? How sweet. Were out!" Audrey snapped her fingers cheezily and was out. Tyler turned his head sharply and started blurting out random thoughts I couldn't quite understand.

"Slow down. And calmly tell me why you would EVER do ANY of that!?"

"Maybe I want to be more than friends." Definitely the most powerful thing he has said in his life.

"No you don't love me. You cant! We are best friends and nothing else. No!" My fist met with my blue wall and made a nice loud bang.

"I love you Addison. Ive only ever loved you."

Good cliff hanger for anyone who actually reads and sorry for the shortness I just  thought that would possibly make you come back for more. Im writing more tonight an will most likely have lots more published this week sometime. Now for that 1 person who disfanned me shame on you. Lol that was like a stab in the HEART! </3 An for all my other readers voters an DEFINITELY FANNERS thankyou so much for the voting and 8 fanners. Keep fanning and voting and i will be one HAPPY camper J thankyou all and don't forget to read my Gurl "Lucygoosey"s books. They are pure AAWW And amazement. Blogger people have been blogging and recommending her book sinking. Its Ah-mazing! Ily im proud of you! So byee

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