A new beginning

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I hate my school. Nobody likes me.I'm always alone. I work alone. I eat alone. I'm lonely. You see all those people hanging out with friends,talking,eating,laughing. But not me.

My name is Jack. But I go by many other names. People call me ginger and red head because of my ginger hair. A few people actually call me Big Shoe because I have relatively large feet.

Summer has just finished and I'm about to start the 8th grade. I've been in Clarkson Middle School for two years including this year. I wasn't expecting anyone to welcome me back to school or even say a simple "Hey man,how's it going?". I had no friends last year.

As I walk into the school,I didn't look at anyone. I just kept my head down,walked strait,and said nothing to anyone.

I went directly to my new locker. It had the number one hundred twenty one. I open the lock,put all my things in, lock my locker back up,and quickly walked to my first period,Advisory. I sit in the back of the classroom. I like to be left alone. As everyone else enters the classroom,not one person notices me. I don't really mind of course,seeing as I'm used to it. Instead,I just sit in my seat and doodle on my notebook. Even though I'm a rather large guy,I can draw pretty well. I'm not big in a fat way. I'm just a bit muscular.

I go throughout my day un-noticed,which is fine by me. I'm invisible and that doesn't bother me one bit.


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