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ALTHEA HADN'T PAID ATTENTION in her classes all day, she had been waiting for Remus to show up so they could pass notes. As much as it pained her to admit it, she rather enjoyed their conversations, and found herself getting bored without him. Despite the fact that they had only done this a couple of times, she still felt that she knew him better than she cared to admit.

It was in charms when Remus finally decided to show his face again. And he looked dreadful. His eyes were bloodshot and sunken, his skin had taken on a grey tinge and new scars had appeared on his face, though she doubted they would be there for long. She was worried about him. Quite frankly, she would probably be worried about anyone if they were in that state.

He took his seat a row behind her and she took out a piece of parchment, and wrote him a message, carefully considering her words so that she didn't hurt his feelings, and tossed it to him.

You look like shit.

How kind of you.

Like I care.

She saw him sigh at those last words, sending her a tired glare.

You should, but I know that won't help.

Seriously though, what happened?

I didn't sleep well.

There's blood coming out of the cuts on your face. I'm pretty sure you can give me a better excuse than that.

Those have always been there.

You have got to be kidding me, right?


She rubbed her temples as she stared at the last word. He was lying to her, that much was clear, but to what extent? And why would he feel the need to keep a secret? What was he hiding?

Come on, I'm not blind. What really happened? At least tell me why you can't tell me.

Alright. Promise you won't tell.

I solemnly swear that I will not tell a soul.

The reason I can't tell you is that it's none of your business.

Very funny.

I should hope so.

Then he turned back towards the professor, who was still happily oblivious. She sighed and balled up another piece of parchment before throwing it at him again. He hesitated for a second, his hand hovering over the paper, but finally opened it.

So what are you doing for the Christmas holidays?

Heading back home, then to the Potters for a couple days.

Sounds fun.


I'd usually go back home, but my parents are in France to see my mum's family and I don't get along well with them.

Why not?

Well, my mum's a muggle-born and they disapprove of wizards. My dad would be grumpy for the whole trip because of that, so I'd rather not go. I'm going to Aubrey's house instead.

Wait what who's Aubrey

Aubrey Larson? Her family's friends with the Potters.

Oh I think I've met her parents. Lovely people, so awkward to talk to.

Definitely. Last time I tried to have a casual conversation with her mum, I ended up with a cup of coffee being poured down my dress (don't ask).

Maybe you're just that bad at socialising. Wouldn't be surprising.

Pff, like I could ever be bad at anything.

I've seen you try to bat a bludger.

Stalker much?

As he received the paper, he chuckled and shook his head in disbelief. For a moment, he almost looked better, like he was just a normal teenager. She could tell he wasn't. Remus Lupin was so different and refreshing.


"Another Hogsmeade trip this weekend." Yasmin declared as she sat down for lunch.

"Really? Another one?" Aubrey asked.

"Yeah. For Christmas shopping."

Shit. Althea had completely forgotten to get presents, and by the looks on the other girls' faces, so did they. She started mentally mapping out who she needed to get Christmas presents for. How could she afford all that with so little money?

Without another word, she left the table and headed to the owlery to send a letter to her father. She needed some more money, and her father was way behind schedule with her allowance. Perhaps it was juvenile to have such a thing, considering she was almost seventeen, but she couldn't have a job until she left Hogwarts and her parents always did like spoiling her.

She hastily took a spare piece of parchmeny from her bag and wrote in messy writing a request for more money to her father, giving it to her owl, Athena.

"Send this home." she told her owl, who bit her.

Athena had a massive superiority complex. On some days, the owl refused to leave the owlery. On others, she bit Althea. Sometimes, she bit the other birds. And if Althea didn't give her treats, she wouldn't carry her letters. Still, the owl was loyal and had been the first thing she'd ever bought for Hogwarts, so Althea kept her.

"I don't have time for this today!" she huffed.

"Are you talking to your owl?" she heard Remus' amused voice.

"Yeah." Althea admitted. "She's kind of a bitch." to which the owl bit her again. Remus chuckled.

"Seems so." he smirked and shoved his hands in his pockets. "It's weird that we keep meeting."

"What's weirder is that we never met before last week." she shrugged.

"Fair point." he nodded. "I probably would've liked to meet you earlier."

She raised an eyebrow, "Are you flirting with me?"

"Just making friendly conversation." he rolled his eyes, "Not flirting."

"If you say so." she held in her laughs. "Athena, just send the goddamn letter!" she practically yelled. The bird took the letter in her claws, scraping Althea's skin in the process. "Son of a--"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine." she waved her hand, dismissing his question. He pursed his lips, but finally decided to let her be. Passing a small package to one of the birds, he walked towards the exit.

"Bye, Althea."

"I hope the next time that we meet, you're cheering me on from the quidditch stands, Lupin." she winked.

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