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SPORTS WERE NEVER SOMETHING ALTHEA was good at. From a yound age, her mother had tried to push her towards tennis or gymnastics or football, but she'd never enjoyed it. That was when she discovered quidditch.

Her skills on a broom were undeniable, though it had taken her too much work to get where she was. She had killer reflexes and a hawk's vision, plus a competitive streak that could never let her lose. She was the perfect player.

Then why was she so nervous? Her palms were almost slipping off the broom, despite tightening her grip and barely having moved since she'd changed into her quidditch robes. All she could think of was falling to her death.

You'll be amazing.

How can she believe that?

You're talented.

Is talent enough to win this?

Get up there and win that match.

She wasn't sure if she could. But of course, she would try. If not for herself, then for her house and her team.

As she walked onto the pitch with the rest of her team, the stands erupted into cheers, and she couldn't help but crack a small smile as she mounted her broom, awaiting the whistle. She spotted her opponents on the other side. Padfoot and Prongs, cocky and impulsive, though talented. The seeker, a small girl who Althea did not know the name of. Fast on a broom, but easily distracted. The beater alongside Sirius was lean and handsome, but seemed rather overconfident. The two girls, chasers, next to James were incredible, though. Fast, smart, and perfectly coordinated, they made the perfect team. Her competition was tough, but she was confident in her abilities, despite her uncertainty earlier.

"Three ... Two ... One ..." The shrill sound of a whistle being blown filled her ears, and she lifted off.

The first thing she did was get to a higher vantage point, one above the hoops and even the tall stands. Ravenclaws were nothing if not strategists.

The stands erupted into cheers yet again, but she wasn't sure who scored. That wasn't her primary problem right now. She saw no flash of gold, no sign that she was on the right track. She moved past this and leaned forwards on her broom, accelerating and swerving around the pitch. Still, no sign of the snitch.

The other seeker seemed equally confused her eyes darting across the pitch, occasionally stopping to watch the players and biting her lip nervously.

Wait, what was that?

Althea saw a blur of gold on the far end of the field, soaring significantly higher than her. She glanced nervously at the other seeker, who was too entranced by the match to notice. A plan started forming in Althea's head and she withheld a grin, forcing a determined look on her face. She had always wanted to try this.

Glancing fleetingly at the snitch still speeding high above her head, she dove down towards the ground at an alarming speed. She heard the wind whistling in her ears and prayed that the Gryffindor seeker was following her.

She was mere feet from the ground, the other seeker getting reluctant at her actions and slowing down. Althea pulled up, making a straight beeline for the snitch that was almost directly above her. Hand outstretched, she noticed in the corner of her eye the small girl following her, looking pale and almost embarrassed, but still far behind. Althea was only a few inches away-- YES!

She grasped the snitch in her hand, the small wings on either side of it fluttering shut. The stands erupted into cheers and she caught Remus' eye, blowing him a mocking kiss, to which he stuck out his tongue.


Althea grinned and raised her fist in the air, causing another fit of cheers.

Winning always felt amazing.


"Hey, are you coming to the party?" Caroline asked, looking questioningly at Althea, who was reading an old muggle book, while she herself applied some lip gloss.

"No." Althea didn't look up, "After that last hangover I decided that I'm never drinking again."

Yasmin snorted, "We all know that's not going to last."

Caroline laughed. "Of course. But, even if you're serious, you don't have to drink. I won't." she shrugged and played with her hair a bit, checking herself out in the mirror, "Besides, you are kind of the star of the party."

"I'll join you later. Just go!" Althea waved them off.

"Remus Lupin is going to be there." Reina grinned playfully.

"And why exactly would I care?" Althea finally looked up from her book.

"The two of you have been chatting a lot lately," Aubrey cocked her head to the side.

"He's actually a nice person." She shut her book and glared at Aubrey, "It's not my fault you don't think guys and girls can't be just friends."

Caroline scoffed, "Don't use that excuse on us!"

"Yeah, last time you said that you ended up dating the guy for three months." Reina added.

"Doesn't mean it's not a good point." Althea kept her cool.

"Just come with us, Thea." Yasmin whined, "We'll miss you."

She groaned and got up, picking out a tiny dress from her wardrobe. "Fine, but you owe me."

"For bringing you to a party in your honor?" Reina crossed her arms.

Althea glared pointedly, walking over to the bathroom. "Yes, of course." she slammed the door shut.

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