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The messenger walked into the large throne room, shivering at the draft that suddenly flew in through an open window. The torches on the walls flickered with untamed fire, and his footsteps echoed eerily on the black marble floor. He had been here numerous times before, but it never failed to scare him witless. Stopping in front of a large obsidian throne, he bowed deeply towards the sitting figure and murmured greetings. The man lifted his hand lazily, signaling for the latter to stand at ease.

"What news do you have for me today, Messenger?" His deep voice asked, gold rings gleaming on his fingers as he tapped them against the throne's armrest.

"S-sire, it is about your son," the messenger started, "his rank has been revealed."

"Ah," the man looked almost pleased, as he leaned forward in his throne. "And what rank would that be? A Beta? An Alpha? Perhaps even a Trueblood?"

The messenger was now trembling pitifully. He hated disappointing his master. It usually lead to some unpleasant consequences.

"N-no s-sire. He... he is an Omega."

For a moment, the only thing you could hear was the crackling of the fire. The messenger didn't dare breathe as he searched his master's face for a reaction.

"An Omega?" The man's voice was dangerously low, hands clenched into fists. The messenger felt like his heart was going to burst with fear. "You dare tell me that my only son, heir of the Solar Pack, is a worthless creature of the moon? A blue-eyed disgrace?!"

By this point, the messenger was groveling on the floor in fear. "Please sire! Forgive me! I-I didn't know! I didn't know!"

The man stared coldly down at the shaking figure before him, begging for mercy. He didn't feel anything except fiery rage, devouring everything in its path. He couldn't feel. Those other feelings had died along with his mate 10 years ago.

"And yet someone must pay the price," the male murmured, tracing his fingers along the edge of his dagger. He glared at the messenger, who cowered under the piercing gaze. "Unfortunately, you still have too many purposes to fulfill," Sighing, the man rose from his throne, silver mask gleaming in the moonlight. "Messenger, go back to the village, and tell the people..." He waited until the messenger looked at him, fear apparent in his eyes. "Tell the people that a new heir will be chosen in a fortnight. A battle to the death, just like the old times. May the strongest Alpha win."

The messenger quickly nodded, taking out a quill and parchment and writing the instructions down. As soon as he was finished, he wasted no time in bowing and hurrying out the door, but the commanding voice stopped him once again.

"Oh, and one last thing."

The messenger slowly turned around, heart hammering in his rib cage.

"Kill the child."

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