Chapter 4

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"Taehyung!" Bogum gasped, when he saw how dejectedly Taehyung walked as he passed through the gates of the Metal Village. He rushed over to his friend, putting a hand on his shoulder and looking into his eyes. Taehyung's normally happy and lighthearted eyes were now dark and full of sadness. "What happened?" Bogum asked, concerned for his friend.

"Bogum..." Taehyung sat down suddenly, as if he didn't have the strength to support himself anymore. Bogum sat down with him, making sure that Tae was okay. Taehyung covered his face with his hands, and Bogum could see crystal teardrops fall from his eyes. "My mate... he rejected me."

Bogum gasped. He could believe that anyone could ever reject someone as pure of heart as Taehyung. Whoever his mate was, he was an asshole.

"H-he said that he doesn't want me or anyone as his mate, and if I stepped into his territory again, he would... he would kill me!" And with that, Taehyung completely broke down, crying against Bogum's shoulder while the latter tried to comfort him. "I don't even know his name or human form hyung! All I know is that his wolf is white with blue eyes... and so beautiful. I wish he would at least give me a chance."

Bogum stiffened at the younger's words. "Tae... did you just say a white wolf with blue eyes? As in an Omega?" Taehyung dried his tears on his tunic sleeve as he looked up. "Yes, why? I don't care about the fact that he's an omega, you know."

Bogum shook his head. "I don't have anything against him for being an omega. It's just that... there is a solitary white wolf who lives in the hills north of here. All we know is that he's an Omega and a former member of the Solar Pack. That might be your mate."

Taehyung was surprised to say the least. Especially the part about the Solar Pack. The Solar Pack was a legendary fighting pack composed of some of the best warriors the werewolf world had ever seen. But it was also notorious for its treatment of Omegas. They were used almost like servants, and had to listen to everything the Alphas told them, no matter how unfair it was. If his mate came from that pack, no wonder he hated Taehyung! To him, Taehyung must have seemed like another heartless Alpha ready to claim him for his own.

Suddenly, the younger stood up. "I'll prove myself to him! I"ll prove that I'm worthy to be his mate! Then he might give me a second chance!"

Bogum licked his lips. "Ah, Tae, do you think that's a good idea?" The latter turned to face him, confused. "Yes, why? Is there something I need to know?"

"Actually, yes. Along with being vicious fighters, members of the Solar Pack are also known to keep their word. If your mate really threatened to kill you, I don't see any reason why he wouldn't carry out his warning. Don't go Tae, there are many other suitable wolves in the world. Why not choose a much safer mate?" Bogum expected Taehyung to nod, and agree that he wouldn't try such a foolish thing.

Instead, the younger just smiled.

"Bogumie, I appreciate the concern, but there's really no need. I don't plan to love anyone other than my mate, so why not give it a try. If I truly die, then at least I'll die knowing that I tried everything I could to win my mate's affection. And besides," Taehyung pulled a sheathed dagger from his sash, "I'm a formidable fighter. I definitely won't hurt my mate, but I won't give up easily."

Bogum just frowned, trying one last effort to make Taehyung see reason. "But what will happen if you die? Think of the Half Moon Pack Taehyung; who will be their Alpha if you're gone. It's not like you have any children yet to take your place."

"Then Yoongi will be a more than appropriate leader for them," Taehyung replied confidently. "And Jimin will make the perfect Luna."

Bogum sighed in defeat, shaking his head. 'It's crazy, what love can make people do' he thought. Out loud, he added. "Then promise me that you'll go after the meetings are concluded. I don't want you running off and missing the most important days of discussion. That's what you came to do in the Metal Village in the first place anyways. Deal?" Taehyung grudgingly agreed, though he looked like he wanted to rush out of the gates right at that moment. Bogum smiled.

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