Chapter 2

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The week leading up to the gathering was filled with hectic activity. Even though it was customary for the leader to go with his Luna, it was decided that because it was Taehyung's first time going, (and he didn't have a mate) he would be accompanied by Yoongi and Namjoon: the Pack's two best soldiers. There was also great debate on what route was the safest, as the path that the pack had been using previously was washed away by a flash flood the season before. On top of all that, Taehyung was taking lessons from Hoseok about herbal remedies, and could now treat the most basic wounds and illnesses. Needless to say, the week passed by quickly.

And then it was time to leave.

Many members of the pack gathered at the village gates to watch the trio as they said their final goodbyes to family and friends. Yoongi hugged Jimin tightly, and instructed him to listen to everything Hobi and Jin told him. Namjoon kissed Jin on the head, and looked very happy when his mate gifted him a basket of bread for the trip, "to share with both the other Alphas.". Taehyung was surrounded by the village people, all wishing him a safe and happy trip, and telling him to come back soon. One old lady smiled at Taehyung, and pinched his cheeks. "Perhaps you'll find a Luna on this trip as well! That will be an occasion to celebrate." The wolves around her laughed good-naturedly, including Taehyung. After saying the proper goodbyes, he moved away from the group and walked toward his horse: Asterium. After stroking Asterium's velvety nose, and making sure that all his provisions were tightly secured, Taehyung put his foot on the stirrup pad and hoisted himself up, swinging his leg over the saddle and taking the reins in one hand. Looking back, he saw that both Yoongi and Namjoon had mounted their horses, and were ready to go. Nodding one last goodbye, all three flicked their reins, sending the horses cantering towards the forest.

"So, how long does it take to get to the Metal Village?" Taehyung asked after about 15 minutes of riding, slowing Asterium down to a trot. "Well, it all depends on the weather of course, but I should say about a day." Yoongi commented, squinting at the map in front of him, "I've taken this route twice before, so I know a good place we can camp for the night." Taehyung nodded, brushing off some leaves which had fallen on his light brown hair.

"Taehyung-ah, do you know any other pack leaders who's going to be at the gathering?" Namjoon passed him a piece of bread as he questioned. Taehyung nodded eagerly, biting into the fresh bread. "Bogumie hyung from Shadow Valley will be there. He and I were friends when we were pups!" Namjoon smiled, seeing the younger so excited as the prospect of seeing his friend. "I'm glad to hear it. Yoongi and I will probably be staying at a place nearby, so you'll be alone in the Village's pack house. I hope you're okay with that" Taehyung widened his eyes almost comically as he stared at Namjoon. "Oh no! How will I possibly survive without my two caring and supportive hyungs at my side? Moon Goddess forbid it!" Namjoon rolled his eyes, steering his horse close enough to Taehyung's to flick his forehead. "Yah! Hasn't anyone taught you respect for your elders?" "Oh, I forgot. You're old," Taehyung said cheekily, ducking as Namjoon tried to flick him again.

"Can you both stop the bickering please?" Yoongi grumbled in a long-suffering way, "I can't concentrate on the map." Even Asterium snorted, as if to say, 'humans are such petty creatures.' Taehyung smiled, patting his horse's flank.

After traveling for about five hours, they came across a large clearing near a stream, where they decided to set up camp for the night. Yoongi started setting up the tents, while Taehyung and Namjoon went hunting, one on horseback while the latter was in wolf form. Since Namjoon went east, Taehyung decided to try his luck westwards.

Pretty soon, he found a waterhole: the perfect place to ambush prey. Taking his bow and quiver in hand, he slipped silently off Asterium, edging towards a bush which provided perfect camouflage. He thanked the Moon Goddess that he was wearing a dark blue tunic instead of a white one, as the latter would have been easily spotted by animals coming to drink. Nocking an arrow, he waited patiently, only fidgeting once or twice. Pretty soon, a hare came bounding out of the surrounding trees, stopping just for a moment to survey its surroundings. Taehyung smiled, pointing the arrow directly at the creature and pulling back the bowstring.

Suddenly, the most intoxicating scent he had ever smelled filled his nose, sending his wolf into complete ecstasy. "Mate!" V howled, making Taehyung bolt out of his hiding place, scaring the poor hare witless. He couldn't care less. The person he had been waiting for for years was right here. He could smell that his mate was close, and Taehyung wasted no time in running towards the direction which the scent came from. Zigzagging between trees, he tried to locate the source of the smell, but couldn't find anybody around. And to his surprise and utter dismay, the scent seemed to be moving farther and farther away. He tried following it as best as he could, but to no avail. His wolf whimpered. Didn't his mate want to find him too? Changing into wolf form, Taehyung sniffed the air again, desperate to know where his mate was, but the only thing he could smell was tree sap and mountain wind ruffling his black fur.

His mate was gone.

The cold realization sank in, and Taehyung sat down with a plop in stunned disbelief. After all those years of hoping, he had finally located his soulmate, only to be given just the tantalizing scent. Why? V whined, making Taehyung shake his head in sadness and confusion.

"Tae, where are you?" a voice called through the undergrowth, snapping him out of his thoughts. Turning back into human form, he tugged on his loose tunic, and ran towards the direction of the voice.

"Taehyung!" Yoongi gasped, when he saw the devastated look on the younger's face. "What happened? You were gone for so long that we were worried!" Taehyung shook his head, feeling so numb that all he could do was stare blankly at the leaves scattered underneath his feet. Yoongi and Namjoon exchanged a look, both concerned for their friend. In all the 16 years they had been together, neither had ever seen Taehyung so emotionless. Feeling the need to break the suffocating silence, Namjoon spoke up. "Anyways, let's go back to camp. Whatever is bothering you, we can talk about it there. Tae, where's Asterium?" The latter pointed to the tree which he had tethered his horse to before he went hunting, not even bothering to look up. Namjoon nodded, hurrying over to the white horse and untying him. With a gentle tug on the reins, he guided Asterium towards the campground, looking back to see Yoongi and Taehyung following; the latter looking as dejected as ever.

After getting comfortable on some wooden logs, Namjoon passed around some herbal tea. Taehyung absently took his cup and sipped from it, still in deep thought. He didn't notice the worried glances that Yoongi and Namjoon gave him from time to time, both wanting to comfort the younger but not knowing how. Finally, Namjoon broke the silence by clearing his throat. Both Yoongi and Taehyung looked at him.

"Okay, so I think we need to have a talk," he said, looking at Taehyung. "Tae, what happened in the forest for you to come back so sad? You don't have to tell us if you don't want to, but maybe we can help." Taehyung took a long look at Namjoon's face before nodding.

"The truth is... I think I found my mate," cue the gasps from Yoongi and Namjoon. "Well, not exactly found, more like smelled. I tried to follow their scent, but it seemed to be moving farther and farther away, and the next thing I knew, I was all alone in the forest. No mate, no nothing," he ran a shaking hand down his face, sighing. "I don't know hyung... do you think my mate rejected me?"

"No," Yoongi said confidently, putting a hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "Just because your mate ran away doesn't mean that he or she didn't want to be with you. Not all wolves are excited to find their soulmate, while others are simply afraid. The best thing to do in this case would be to gain their trust. It can be a gradual process, but I'm sure that in the end, your mate will warm up to you. Since we know that they live in this area, we can visit this place again on our return trip. How does that sound?" Namjoon nodded in agreement, and Taehyung smiled. "Thank you Yoongi hyung. I never thought of it that way." Yoongi cracked a smile as he looked at the younger. "Good. Now since that's sorted out, why don't we go to sleep? It's already late at night anyway, and we have a full day of riding tomorrow."

Both nodded, gathering up their things, and moving into the tents. Taehyung took one last look at the forest, vowing to return for his mate, while his hyungs washed the cups in the river. 

None of them noticed a pair of glowing blue eyes watching them from the dense undergrowth, sparkling like diamonds in the dark of the night. 

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