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JJ was surprised by your decisiveness and kind of turned on by your confidence. His heart was also beating fast at the thought of staying with you without the other Pogues. You had had plenty of sleepovers together before but never just the two of you.

"Are you sure about that?" He asked.

"Yeah," you nodded, "now shut up and let me put this soothing cream on your bruises."

He smiled at you and shivered at the feeling of your cold hands rubbing his stomach. He felt a mix of pain from the bruises but comfort from your touch.

"Thank you Y/N." He said and got up from the bed.

"No problem, I'll go get you some water for the night." You smiled at your friend and headed downstairs.

You were nervous to spend the night with him, but he was JJ and you were always comfortable with him. He was also vulnerable and needed comfort from a friend more than anything.

As you opened your bedroom door you saw he was placing one of your pillows on the floor and laying down.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"Laying down?"

"Why on the floor?"

"I'm not letting you sleep on the floor when it's your house." He laughed.

"Of course not," you rolled your eyes, "that's why I won't."

He just stared at you confused even though deep down he knew what you were talking about, but he just wanted to hear it come from your mouth.

"You're sleeping in bed with me dumbass." You laughed.

"Oh right."

"I don't bite."

"Yeah I know that."

"Then stop making it weird!"

"I'm not making it weird, you are!" He laughed and slowly got inside your bed.

You laid down next to him and placed a pillow between the two of you to not make things awkward, making JJ roll his eyes at you.

The two of you laid there silently, neither of you being able to fall asleep at all.

"Y/N?" JJ's voice made you jump a little.


"Can you sleep?"

"Not really."

"Me neither," he said and you felt him move, "tell me something about you."

"What do you want to know about me?" You chuckled, "You already know everything."

"I don't know," he said, "you've never told me about Rafe."

"I don't like to talk about it, it was stupid."

"I know that."

"Right well, goodnight." You tried to end the conversation and heard him chuckle.

"Night Y/N."

There was a long pause and you thought he had finally fallen asleep, until his voice proved you otherwise.

"Y/N?" His voice was softer this time.


"I didn't sleep with any girl tonight."

"That sucks." You pretended to not care, but deep inside were happy to hear that.

"Do you want to know why?"

"I don't, but I know you'll tell me either way." You joked.

"You're right," he smiled, "it's just that..."

He paused and you could hear him sigh, your heart started to beat faster and you felt nervous. Thoughts about him confessing something about you started running through your head and you tried to calm them down.

"Just that?" You urged him to speak.

"There were no tourists around."

"Of course" You thought.

You felt stupid and embarrassed for thinking JJ would tell you something as crazy as that he has realised sleeping around with girls is not what he wants and it's actually you the only one he wants, but this was not a movie and it would never happen.

"Maybe tomorrow," your voice was low and sleepy, "don't give up champion."

You heard JJ giggle softly and turn around, and after a few moments of silence you decided to close your eyes and try to get some sleep, brushing away the thoughts of something ever happening between you and JJ.

"Was Rafe your first?" His voice made your eyes snap wide open.

"What?" You cleared your throat.

"You know.. was he your first time?"

You bit your lip and closed your eyes, not really wanting to talk about this with JJ. You didn't feel ready to tell him or anyone about what really happened.

"Yeah he was." You replied.

"Of course he was." You could've sworn he sounded a bit jealous but you decided to brush it off.

"Well goodnight JJ, I'm tired." You were definitely not tired but you sure knew you did not want to talk about Rafe with JJ, not now, not ever.

"Why don't you ever tell me about your relationship with him if he was special for you?" He sounded hurt.

"Because he wasn't special JJ," your words came out coldly, "I just don't like talking about it alright?"

"Don't you trust me? I thought we were supposed to be best friends!"

"Of course I trust you but can we not talk about this now?!"

The two of you being stubborn and hot-tempered never helped during situations like these.

"Alright then," he said, "goodnight."

You knew he was pissed but you didn't feel ready to talk about it, to tell him the truth, but you didn't want him to stop trusting you either and after his events with his father you knew he needed to feel loved and cared about, and a stupid fight between the two of you was not what you wanted to give him.

You grabbed the pillow between the two of you and tossed it to the floor. You heard JJ move around the bed and could see the shadow of his head standing up a little as you scooted closer to him.

You felt his arm and placed it around your waist so you could lay on his chest and wrap both your arms around him. You felt his heartbeat getting faster and smiled.

JJ and you had always been close but this felt different. You wanted to show him you cared and wanted to make him feel safe, even if you were not stronger than him, even if you could not beat his father up for him.

"My relationship with Rafe was not healthy JJ," you whispered, "it's something I'm trying to forget so I don't like talking about it."

His hand that was not holding your waist, immediately made its way to your head, softly playing with your hair.

"I'm sorry Y/N," he whispered back, "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"I will tell you about it someday, just not tonight."

"I'm sorry." He said softly and held you tighter, not clearly imagining what could have happened that made you despise your relationship with Rafe that much but understanding it was something that hurt you a lot.

You hugged him tighter and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. After a few minutes you felt his breathing turn heavier and heard the sound of his light snores, that's how you knew he was asleep.

Deep inside you were dying to tell JJ about Rafe but you were scared. You knew JJ like the back of your hand. You knew his temper. You knew what his anger was capable of and you couldn't stand him getting into more fights with Rafe and his friends, because you also knew Rafe and if you told JJ the truth, the two of them would kill each other.

Could it be? (JJ x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now