Gone by Michael Grant Oc

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Tessa, 14. Brown hair, green eyes. Power-Shapeshifter. Survivor but she has morals. Doesn't like Cain but has to Survive, In Cain's squad lower level but higher than Jack.

I shifted my weight, looking around awkwardly as the group stared at me, distrust plain in their eyes

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I shifted my weight, looking around awkwardly as the group stared at me, distrust plain in their eyes.

"Well, can I?" I snapped, rubbing my arm self-consciously. Sam finally took a step forward, being the leader he is.

"Why would we?" Sam asked, incredulously. I shifted uneasily on my feet, running a hand through my hair.

"Besides my wonderful presence? I don't feel quite as safe with Caine, well not like I ever did, but now it's only worse because he is on this power trip. I did try to talk him out of kidnapping you and your girl Sam, honestly! Unfortunately, I have as much sway as Jack. Hell, Jack has more than me." I scowled before releasing a deep sigh. "I just need to get away but I don't know any of the places around here so can I please just tag along? I swear I am not a spy." I held my hand up in the Scout's salute.

"If you don't know any of the places around Perdido, then how did you get here?" Astrid questioned, holding her brother close to her. Smart girl.

"I was talking a walk, well more of a run, out of Caine's sight since he wanted me to shift into Astrid. I pretended to say okay and as soon as I turned the corner, I bolted. Wasn't paying much attention to where I was going so I really don't know." I shrugged helplessly before giving a self-deprecating smirk. "It would be amazing if one of you got your powers to be a human lie detector now, so we wouldn't have to go through this." They looked at each other but by the looks they were giving each other, I was out of here. I sighed and put my messy hair up for the trek back.

"I get it. I wouldn't trust me either." I half smiled and turned to leave. But I stumbled because as soon as I took a step forward, I was hit hard by something behind me. I looked down to see little arms clutching my middle, a game boy dangling loosely in one hand.

"Petey!" Astrid gasped and rushed to me. I looked at her with wide eyes as he wouldn't let go.

"What is he doing? I thought he didn't like people!"

"I don't know! He has never done anything like this before!" She said frantically.

"Well, can you get him off?! I'm losing my circulation!" I yelped as he tightened his grip as Astrid tried to pry him off. He was cutting off my lungs and I was going to go down soon. Petey started to yell, practically scream, as Sam joined Astrid in the effort to get him off of me. I started to sway from the loss of breath and they weren't getting anywhere.

"Alright!" Sam exclaimed. I looked at him through lidded eyes as he exchanged a look with Astrid before getting in front of Petey's face. "Tessa will stay. Tessa stays. Happy?" He said slowly and clearly to Petey, trying to get through. He looked at Astrid to see if he was doing it right and she nodded slowly. He put a hand on Petey's shoulder and repeated what he said. Petey blinked owlishly at him then smiled.

"Tessie." He said grinning before letting go. I stumbled away and took in several deep breaths. Oh, gracious air how I missed you. Once I regained my ability to breath I looked at the two blonde siblings, one who was playing his game and the other who was examining him carefully.

"What the hell was that?" I demanded. Astrid shrugged helplessly and Sam walked in front of her.

"No idea. But I guess you got your wish." He handed me my backpack before turning back to the group. "Alright everybody, let's go." A few hours go by with nothing but hiking before something caught my eye.


"What's that?" I pointed at something in the distance. Sam squinted at it before shrugging.

"I don't know. Want to find out?" I rolled my eyes and shifted my backpack.

"Sure. Just as long as it isn't another fracking coyote." I smirked at Lana and she scowled at me. As we got closer though, it didn't look to be anything good. I started to sprint when we got close enough to recognize the shape of the object, dropping my backpack so I could run faster. I skidded on my knees once I got close enough to recognize the face and I frantically held it in my hands, lightly tapping the cheeks.

"Oh my god! Taylor!" Tears flooded my eyes, making it hard to see as I frantically felt for a pulse. I sobbed in relief once I felt one, as fleeting as it was. I looked up to see the aghast group and blinked away my tears.

"She needs food and water. Water urgently." I hiccupped. Astrid fumbled with her bookbag before she handed a bottle to me. I gently held her head up after I opened the bottle and started to press it to her lips.

"Do you know her?" Quinn asked. I nodded, gently stroking her hair as she tried to drink the water as quickly as she could.

"We went to Coat's together," I said faintly, casting a disturbed look at the cement coating her hands.

"Who did that to her hands?" Lara asked, horror filling her face. I bit my lip and focused on the girl who was once my friend.

"I have an idea," I muttered and grabbed the granola bar Sam handed out to me. I broke it into pieces before slowly feeding it to her. But as she swallowed her first bites, a car came flying up. I shielded my arms over Taylor protectively as Computer Jack stepped out.

"Hey, you found Taylor, We were looking for her." He said easily. Sam held his hands out, ready for action but we were being pointed at with guns. And the one with the biggest smile was Drake.

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