Once Upon a Time OC town

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Same oc as the last chapter but in the town now. Warning this is a long boi

It was a normal gray day in a little town in Washington when a police chief got a call at his home. He and his daughter were watching the news when it came in. His daughter looked at him curiously from her book as he answered the phone and his good mood slowly grew somber as he listened. Frowning, he hung up and grabbed his coat. His daughter followed his example and got up from the couch.

"Are we going somewhere?" His daughter asked, grabbing her own coat as he held the door open for her.

"Just to the station for a few minutes. It won't take long, then we can go and get some of your favorite pasta. That sound okay?" The young girl brightened at the promise of pasta and she nodded and got in the passenger seat in the police cruiser her father owned. It was a quiet ride over and once they arrived, she stood behind her dad the entire time, giving a small shy smile to her dad's partner Steve.

"Dad, who is that?" She whispered, tugging on his coat a little to get his attention. She was staring at a blond girl who didn't seem that much older than her, who was staring out the window with an uneasy expression. The father smiled and gently pushed his daughter in front of him and towards the girl.

"Why don't you go ask? Go on." The girl blushed as she stumbled slightly from the small push and she walked towards the girl.

"Hi. I'm Bella. What's your name?" The blonde girl looked at her for a moment and tilted her head, examining the girl in front of her.

"Emma." Was all she said though and she looked back out the window. Bella smiled a little and edged a little closer.

"That's a pretty name! That's better than Isabella, in my opinion. That's my full name but I don't like it that much, which is why I tell people to call me Bella. I'm 11. How old are you? You look a little older than I am." Bella rambled.

"I just turned 13," Emma said, looking a little longer at this strange girl in front of here before averting her eyes again. Bella took that as a sign to continue and sat next to her, trying to coax her into a proper conversation as her father was drawn into a conversation by Steve. A few minutes later he came over and interrupted the two girls who were laughing at a story of an example of Bella's clumsiness which involved her, a fish, and a mud pie. Emma who was actually laughing a lot at the expense of her new friend, quit once Bella's dad came over. Bella frowned slightly as the heat in her cheeks died down. She was actually making progress and now it was all ruined.

"Hello, girls. Are you getting along, alright?" Emma nodded slightly and looked at her feet.

"Yes, dad. This is Emma!" The father smiled and pulled up a chair to sit across the two girls.

"Hello, Emma. My name is Charlie. Do you understand why you're here?" Charlie asked, getting straight to business. The girl in question huffed and crossed her arms.

"Yes." She grounded out. Bella looked at the two in confusion but kept quiet in her place next to them.

"Then you know why we can't just let you go. You caused a big panic at your foster family's house." Bella's eyes widened at this revelation. Her new friend didn't have any parents?! That didn't sound fair to Emma. Emma frowned and glared at her shoes.

"I didn't like it there. It was horrible and it smelled. Besides, they were going to send me back to the orphanage anyway. I heard them placing the call."

"I know sweetheart but you're still in trouble. Whether you were going back or not, you were still technically under their care."

"I don't care. And if you make me go back there, I'll just do it again! I don't need anyone to take care of me anymore. I can handle myself."

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