Damon Salvatore x reader

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His eyes were a pure cerulean-blue, so deep and mysterious that you could get lost in them. Dark brown curls spilled out from underneath a beige bowler hat, his attire that of an average man at the turn of the century - white button-up shirt with an open collar paired with suspenders and dark-colored trousers.

But something about him drew me in. Whether it was his smug smile that night we first danced together or the way that fall afternoon when he had kissed me underneath the old willow tree...I'll never know.

But even after 145 years, Damon Salvatore still had me wrapped around his finger, for better...or for worse.

My fingers grasped the fountain pen in my hand tightly, my hand shaking as I pressed the tip to the yellowing page before I began to write my name in the tattered book, droplets of crimson sliding down my skin onto the paper.

So shall it be...written in blood.

A gasp burst free from my lips as my eyes shot open, chest heaving whilst I struggled to separate fantasy from reality. Thrashing in the sheets that had wrapped around me in my own bout of restlessness, I sat up in bed in a haze of confusion. What just...was that a dream or...what was that?!

Gently, I pressed a hand to my head, my bleary eyes half-closed from sleep when suddenly, a reverberating knock sounded on my door. Still not totally conscious, I jumped at the sound, somehow managing to entangle myself further in my sheets. I tried to right myself but too late - I landed with a loud thump on the hardwood floor. Suddenly, my bedroom door was wrenched open and a short woman with strawberry-blonde hair strode in.

"Riley! Riley, what in the world?! You're gonna be late for school!" my mother shouted, shaking her head in exasperation briefly before exiting the room just as quickly as she'd come.

I sighed from my position on the floor, dark locks of hair fanning out around me. If only I could just climb back into bed. I wonder if I could pretend I was sick...

"And don't even think about faking illness, you'd still have to go!" she yelled up the stairs.

I let out a sound that was a cross between a growl and the noise that Perry from Phineas and Ferb would make. Great. Just great.

After five minutes of struggling with my sheets, I finally fought free and tread over to my vanity mirror that stretched up the wall opposite my bed. Chocolate-brown eyes and caramel skin looked back at me from my reflection, strands of hair in every direction. I huffed, making one of them blow into the air before landing back onto the smooth skin of my forehead like a cowlick gone wrong.

"As usual, this is as good as it's gonna get." I said to myself, making a face.

But just before I turned, my eyes landed on something that made a frown split my face. Resting just on the inside of my open window, right on the sill, was a long, obtrusive, ebony bird feather. I twirled it between two fingers curiously as I picked it up. Finally, shrugging, I let it fall from my hands, the feather fluttering on the wind, right out the window.

In ten minutes flat - okay, fine, maybe more like 28 - I was ready for the day and flying out the door with mom shouting after me to have a good day. She meant well but I had a feeling she'd totally forgotten what high school was like. Could one really have a good day there?

Bonnie sent me a bright smile from the driver's side as I tumbled into the backseat. Even Elena managed a small smile before the car pulled out of the driveway and headed to Mystic Falls High.

"Aunt Jenna was in an uproar last night," Elena teased with a smirk plastered on her face, "When did you get in anyway?"

I shrugged as I rummaged around in the floorboards of the car before snatching up a bag of Cheetos and popping one of them in my mouth. I made a face. Ew, stale. How long had Bonnie had these in here?!

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