Name: Y/n L/n/Courier 6 Old family: Owen family(I'm recycling this form my other absurd BNHA story) Age: 20(the fallout world is different, I'll explain in a bit) Gender: male Race: cyborg Looks:
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Armor: back view
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Front view
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NCR Ranger armor
I know the armor does match up or whatever, but who cares? Basically the coat he wears is the first picture and the armor is the second, where you see the helmet
Weapons: Lucky
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A special .357 pistol that he found early on. When he hold it, it feels like it pulses luck. He uses it as a backup
La Longue Carabine
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A special cowboy repeater and his main weapon. He took it from Corporal Sterling and refuses to give it back
Protonic inversal axe
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A weapon from Big MT during this travels. He uses it because it's reliable, deadly and cool as hell. And it does more damage to robots and stuff
Quirk: Before: none
After: able to teleport from earth of BNHA and the mojave, but is unable to use it for reliable transport. He can also not teleport around in the worlds onto to each other
The Platinum Chip: he can use teleport to the location of the platinum chip. With this, he can teleport around during a battle, but must throw the chip first. Or it must be where he wants it to be. He has no limited distance
Skills: gambling, combat, getting revenge, being a courier, etc
How he got to the Mojave wasteland: in his world(bnha), he killed himself and was reborn, memories intact, into the world of fallout. He lived through the life of courier 6 and eventually found out how to transport himself between worlds, using some type of quirk. While he was living in the Mojave, only a few days past since his death explaining his older age that shouldn't make sense