Chapter One

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*Please read the "Babies & Boyfriends" series before reading this book*


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Hannaaaaah... Happy birthday to you!"

I clapped and blew out the candles. 30. Wow. I looked around the table and saw my father, Jacob, Annabelle, and Jasper, all grinning at me. 

Jacob had tracked me down right when Jasper and I had first moved in together. I was just graduating from university, and I finally had an apartment in my own name, rather than one owned by the government. Jacob told me he had been trying to track me down for years, but he only found me once there was an address to my name.

Annabelle and I had been strong friends for many years. She was now a successful author, and I was a teacher at a private school nearby. Jasper had been a lawyer for several years now, and Jacob was a history professor at Ottawa U.

Four years ago, when Jasper and I got married, Annabelle had tracked my father down, and he explained everything to me; the peer pressure, a drunken mistake. I forgave him, though it was hard. 

Jacob has been dating a nice girl he met at the University for some time. She was going to pick up her friend when Jacob ran into her in the parking lot. She was a child services worker, a lovely French woman named Elise. 

Jasper and I were very happily married, living in an adorable little house downtown. We had a secret, but we didn't want to tell anybody. I had been pregnant for two months, and we wanted to wait until we were sure the baby was fine to tell everyone, but I have a wonderful feeling about this. We've even thought of names! If it's a girl, we'll call her Belle or Bella, but if it's a boy... probably Lysander or Sebastian.

Annabelle is dating a nice girl as well; a very pretty librarian who's divorced. They seem really happy together, even though Anna has told me that she used to have feelings for me.

I thanked everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes, and the evening went on until everyone was gone save for me and Jasper.

"Happy Birthday, baby," he whispered, kissing me gently. 

I giggled and he turned out the light, allowing us to enjoy our birthday evening.

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