Chapter Five

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Jasper's POV

She had been gone for an hour when I called the police. I didn't know what it would accomplish, I just needed to do something.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My wife is gone. She drove away, and she's been gone for an hour. She's pregnant."

"...Did she tell you where she was going?"

"No... we'd just had a big fight and she stormed away."

"What was the nature of the conflict?"

"Uh... well... it's hard to explain. I just need to find her and tell her I'm sorry."

"Did you hit her?"

"No! No! It was nothing like that..." I groaned in frustration. "Can you please just help me find her?"

"What direction was she headed?"

"She looked like she could be heading for the highway, but I'm not sure."

"Is she answering her phone?"

"She didn't take one with her."

"We're sending an officer out to the highway. What does her license plate say?"

I gave her the number, and the woman told me that they would contact me if they found anything. I hung up and put my face in my hands. 

Why did I have to tell Jacob? It was an accident, but still! I should have been more careful.

It was New Years, and their dad and Jacob were talking to me. 

"Is Hannah okay? She seems a bit tired," Jacob noted.

"Yeah, well... It's been a bit rough. You know we had trouble having a baby and everything," I said.

"Yeah, but... she seems really out of it too."

"Well, actually, she's been feeling a bit of guilt. We're having so much trouble because of... well, it was a long time ago," I replied awkwardly. 

"What happened?" Her dad asked, concerned.

"Well, when she was sixteen... It was a total mistake, but, she... well, she got pregnant, and had an abortion, and it seems to have done a bit of damage. That's all. Don't mention anything, okay? She's pretty sensitive about it."

"No worries, as long as she's okay now," her dad said, and Jacob nodded in assent. 

Why? Why couldn't I have kept my mouth shut? Now I just needed to wait for that phone to ring. When it did, I picked it up immediately.

"Hello?" I answered quickly, out of breath.

It was Hannah's voice that replied. "Hi Jasper." Her voice sounded choked with tears. 

"Hannah, please come home. I'm so sorry."

"I know. But I'm not coming home just yet. I think you and I need to take a break for a while."

"What are you talking about?"

"We've been through a lot in the past few weeks. I'm at the airport. I'm going to stay with my aunt for a week or so. I think you and I both need to think."

"No, Hannah," I said, my voice breaking. "Please come home."

"Soon. I just need to think." She hung up. I hung my head and tears burned my eyes. 


I walked into the doctor's office quickly. 

"Thanks for seeing me, Dr. Robertson," I said, taking a seat in front of his desk. 

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