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julia was pacing around her room the whole day, waiting for jacob to come back. andy told her the second they got back home, they'd let her know so she could come over. her phone lit up with a notification, she immediately ran to her bed, grabbing her phone. it was text from andy, telling her she could come over. since she didn't live far from jacob, she ran to his house. "woah are you okay?" jacob asked, her breathing was very heavy and her hand was over her chest. "yeah i just- i need a minute." she said. once her breathing finally got back to normal they immediately went up to jacobs room. "are you okay?" she asked as soon as jacob closed the door. "yeah, i mean standing up in court was a little scary and all, but other than that i'm okay." he said. "what about you? i know you were upset last night, i'm sorry for making you cry." he asked. "i'm fine, you have nothing to apologize for." she said. jacob pulled her into a hug, his arms wrapping around her waist and hers loosely around his shoulders. they pulled away, staring at each other's faces for a minute. they both had a few stray tears falling from their eyes, both of them took the pads of their thumbs and wiped them from each other's faces. the next thing julia knew was jacobs lips were know softly pressed up against hers. she was a little taken back by it, but she quickly kissed him back. "i-i'm sorry i shouldn't of done that." he said. "no, it's fine. i liked it." she said, causing both of their cheeks to heat up. "anyways, can we maybe sleep? i'm pretty tired.." he asked. "yeah, sure." she said. they both laid down in his bed, they laid face to face with their arms wrapped around each other.

the next morning jacob had to go to a meeting with joana, his attorney while julia sat in school. she barley paid attention to what each class had to give, her mind was on jacob. she knew he wasn't okay like he claims, but she had no clue how to be there for him. it's not like he's pushing her away, more of not telling her how he really feels. once the bell rang julia practically sprinted out of school and into her moms car. "did you have a good day?" claire asked. "uh yeah, i guess." she said. "you're taking me right to jakes house, right?" julia asked. "honey, maybe you should give the barbers some space.." claire suggested. "mom, you have no idea what jacobs going through. i'm his best friend, i need to be there for him. i'm sticking with him no matter what." julia said. "okay, okay." claire said. the drive to jacobs house wasn't very long, she ran up to the door step, leaving her mother to walk in by herself. claire wanted to check up on andy and laurie but julia had no care in sticking around for that conversation so she sprinted up the steps and into jacobs room. "hey," she said, out of breath. jacob looked up from his video game with a curious look on his face, "everytime you come here, you're always out of breath." jacob chuckled. "shut up, barber." she teased. "hey, you know i don't like that nickname." jacob said. julia sat down on the same bean bag chair as jacob. "i know, but i'm still gonna call you it." julia said. "yeah yeah." jacob said, wrapping his arm around her. "are you sure you're okay, i'm sorry if i'm pushing it, but i just wanna be here for you. you can tell me anything, you know that right?" julia asked. "i know. well i guess my day was pretty shitty. apparently my grandpas in prison for murdering a girl and i might have something called the murder gene from him." jacob said. "jake.." she said. "wh-what if i have it, julia?" he asked, tears starting to well up in his eyes. "jake, look at me." she said, he looked down at her and julia's heart practically broke at the sight of the tears falling from his eyes. "even if you do, that doesn't mean anything." she said. "you're not gonna look at me any different?" he asked. "no, of course not. i love you, no matter what." she said.

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