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it's now been a week from the car accident and julia was a total wreck. she hasn't been sleeping, too busty stressing about the worse outcome. she just wanted him to wake up. she needed him to wake up. she didn't know how to survive without him, as pathetic as it sounds. he's been by her side forever, not to mention he was her first love. she didn't know what she was gonna do if the worst outcome came true. her thoughts quickly got snapped as her and her mother pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. claire came to see laurie and of course julia here for jacob. she was now sitting in her normal spot next to his bed, her hand holding his. she began telling him what's been going on without him (not much) like she always did. she was rambling on about how one time julia kept beating him at one of his video games before she felt his hand squeeze hers. it was light, but it was there. "jake?" she asked, her eyebrows furrowing. she felt another squeeze, this time with more pressure. she noticed his eyes starting to flutter so she quickly ran and got the nurse.

"now that everyone's gone, are you okay?" jacob asked. julia was stroking his hair in a comforting way, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. the first smiles she's displayed in a week. "yea. i'm just glad you're okay. this week has been hell." julia sighed out. "julia, i-i have to tell you something, you're probably gonna think i'm crazy but i swear it's the trash." jacob nervously said. "what is it?" julia asked. "my mom, the car crash wasn't an accident." jacob said. "what- what do you mean?" she asked. "my mom, she went all crazy, she started speeding and trying to get me to confess to killing ben. than she ran off the road and smashed into a bridge. y-you have to believe me." jacob explained. "i do believe you but what do we do? i-i mean andy is sure it was an accident, how do we get him to believe it wasn't?" julia asked. "i'm not sure. but i want him to know now." jacob said. "okay, i'll go get him." julia said before walking off.

hii sorry this chapter is short it's more of a filler but this book is coming to an end soon 🥺

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