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julia and jacob haven't spoken in days, well, jake would spam her phone, trying to get her to talk to him, but she wouldn't budge. she frankly didn't care to hear what lousy apology he'd come up with. she let out a sigh, not knowing what to do. she gasped at the sound of a rock hitting her window, her brows furrowed as she looked over at her phone, picking it up and reading the time. 11:24 pm. who the hell is here at 11 o'clock at night? she thought to herself. she walked over to her window, opening it. she seen jake standing down below her window. "jake? what are you doing here?" she asked. "you won't answer my texts, or facetime calls... but that's besides the point. i-i wanna apologize to you, and not in some lazy, lousy way. a real apology." jacob explained. julia hesitated for a moment, "okay, meet me at my front door." she said before closing her window. she opened her front door, her mouth going agape at the way jacob looked. his hair was a mess, his cheeks were flustered with tear stains, and his eyes were red and puffy. "jake.." she said softly. "i'm okay." he said. she nodded her head before leading him up to her room where they sat in front of each other on her bed. they sat in an awkward silence for a moment before jacob spoke up. "i'm sorry about the other day, i-it was completely wrong of me to do what i did. i know that, trust me. i feel like shit for every hurting you in the first place. but um, me and sarah haven't been talking at all, she sent you know, those pictures to ben, and derek got all mad so he stole bens phone and he got investigated and all that. but that's besides the point, julia i'm so sorry, i-i don't know how i can ever make it up to you and i wouldn't blame you if you never wanted to speak to me again and if you hated my guts-" jacob explained before julia softly pressed her lips to his, she found that it helped calm his nerves when he'd nervously ramble to her. they pulled apart and rested their foreheads on each other's for a few seconds. jacob pulled away and looked into her eyes for a moment. "i love you." he said almost inaudibly. she didn't say anything for a few moments and he started panicking. "oh my god i'm so sorry i shouldn't of said that-" jacob said before she cut him off with her lips again. "i love you too jake." she said. "really? because i've wanted to say that for awhile now but i didn't know if you felt the same way.." he said, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. "yes, so much." she said.

the next day julia spent the whole day over jacobs house, playing video games (though she didn't usually enjoy doing it often, she really enjoyed it the time.) watching movies, you name it. it was now dark outside and they were laying next to each other in jacobs bed, scrolling through their phones. they both jumped at the door swinging open, "are you jake kobbs?" andy said, bursting through the door. "answer me, damn it!" andy shouted. "andy," laurie said. "it's not that big of a deal." jacob said softly. "don't tell me it's not that big deal! show your mother, show her what you've been up to." andy said. jacob typed a few letters before turning his laptop over to show laurie. it was a picture of jacobs face on a guy holding an axe. julia furrowed her brows, not knowing he had social media in the first place. "shit! jake," laurie said. "it's just a dumb joke.." jacob explained. "do you have any idea what this looks like? joking about being a murder suspect," andy asked. "it's not like anyone knows who it is." jacob defended. "everybody knows, how do you think i know?" andy asked. "andy, calm down." laurie said. "this is damaging, this is evidence, and you're either too stupid, or too arrogant to know the difference!" andy said. "i'm not stupid.." jacob said. "than what's wrong with you?!" andy asked. "nothing! you're making too big a deal-" jacob said before andy cut him off. "do you have any idea what they're gonna do with this picture? they're gonna wave it around in front of the jury and they're gonna say it shows consciousness of guilt. that's the phrase they're gonna use. they're gonna say, this is how jacob barber sees himself. a psycho. and they're gonna use that word, over and over again." andy explained. "andy, enough!" laurie said. "jesus christ. do you know what's at stake? do you realize what they wanna do to you?" andy asked. "stop it already, you're scaring him!" laurie said, trying to calm andy down. "good! he should be scared! i'm scared!" andy shouted. julia looked over at him, noticing the tears in his eyes, she wanted nothing more to comfort him but she knew she couldn't, not until andy and laurie left. that's if he didn't want to be left alone. "it's just a joke. i can delete it." jacob said. "that doesn't mean it goes away." andy explained. "okay, sorry." jacob said softly. "you can't do things like this jake, you just can't." andy said. "i said i'm sorry." jacob said.

"he should delete it anyway." laurie said. "goddamn right he's gonna delete it, and he's gonna delete it right now." andy stated. "this can't happen again, i need to know you understand that." andy said as jacob pulled his laptop towards him. jacob nodded his head, turning his computer to andy and laurie, showing them his account was deleted. laurie walked out of the room, jacob shut his laptop lid and laid on his side. "i'm sorry i yelled. i shouldn't of lost my temper i just- i'm trying to look out for you buddy. you gotta understand that." andy apologized. "just leave me alone." jacob muttered. "jake.." andy said. "please." jacob said. "okay." andy said before standing up. "okay, so go." jacob said. "there's nothing wrong with me." jacob said, causing andy to stop at his doorframe. "i know exactly what they're gonna do to me, i don't need you to tell me that." jacob stated. once andy left the room jacob immediately turned over and buried his face into julia's neck, wrapping an arm around her. soft sobs escaped jakes lips as julia ran her fingers through his hair, hoping to calm him down. "please don't leave me." he said, tightening his grip around her. "i'm not, i promise." she reassured. it was silent for a few moments before jake spoke up again. "i love you." he sniffled. "i love you too, jake." julia said.

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