HOT - Bones

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! So if you read the bio you would know that I have fallen into a new obsession as of late... Star Trek. Lucky you! I will be posting quite sporadically but hopefully often. I would love to take any requests or hear any thoughts you have on other one-shot ideas I could write. Just let me know either in the comments or directly through email. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy it! Feel free to comment and like, I welcome any and all feedback you might have. Until next time!

- Your Favorite Author 

"Captain Pike, Sir, my name is y/f/n. I am the new tech-consultant assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise."

"Ah, I was wondering when I was going to get to meet you," The captain said with a polite smile, "Is this your first assignment working aboard a ship?"

"Yes sir," You nodded before quickly rushing to explain, "But I was top of my class in the academy and have done extensive training and study under the vise of Head Technician Marissa Sumners. I can assure you that my lack of time aboard a spacecraft does not diminish my experiences on Earth."

"You do not need to cite your credentials to me, Miss. y/l/n," Captain Pike assured you with a small chuckle, "I would not have hired you for the job if I thought your lack of experience abroad hindered your abilities in any way."

You let out a small sigh of relief. You were relatively young to be a tech consultant since you had graduated from the academy a year early so you were used to getting grief about your lack of experience. You were glad Captain Pike seemed to be more intelligent than those people.

"Thank you, Captain, Sir."

"Please, there's no need to say both," Pike laughed again, "Either Captain or Sir works just fine, Miss. y/l/n."

"Of course, Sir," You nodded. You paused awkwardly for a moment, not really knowing what to say next.

"I assume you have much to do before we can be cleared for take-off?" Pike prompted.

"Right yes," You stuttered, "Plenty to do. It was nice to meet you, Sir."

"You as well, Miss. y/l/n," Pike nodded before allowing you to walk past so that you could continue your inspection of the ship before take-off.

Despite your initial nervousness about your first mission in space, you were starting to calm a little. While finishing up the diagnostic readings in the ship's med bay, you even found that you were growing excited at the prospect of finally leaving Earth. you couldn't wait to get up high with the stars and experience... well, everything. New planets, new people. It all fascinated you.

Just as you were typing in the last line of code to check in on one of the med bay machines, you felt something, or someone, jostle you to the side. Looking sideways you were startled to find a pair of men hurrying past you. One of them looked very ill, his hands and face starting to swell while his face took on a sickly green shade.

"Oh dear," You exclaimed, clutching your PADD to your chest as you unconsciously followed the pair. "What's wrong with him? The ship hasn't even taken off yet? Has it?" You didn't think it had but then again you had never flown before so you couldn't be certain whether or not you would be able to notice if it did.

"No," The sick man's companion said gruffly, "He contracted a viral infection just before boarding the ship, and seeing as I am his attending physician I elected that he come aboard with me. If you have a problem with that you can take it up with the captain."

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