Come back

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6:45 (Soojin)

We were back at the dorm and we went back to our rooms to sleep, it was still so early. I walked to my room and closed my door.

A week without Shuhua, I've never been away from her that long.. im missing her like crazy and it's only been 20mintues I gave a big sigh. Laying on my bed I decided to text her.


How is the flight going

I starred at my phone till I got a replay back

Boring, but I'm watching a movie so I'll call Soyeon after I land.

Ahh okay be safe.

I put my phone down "why does she have to call Soyeon and not me" I mumbled.

a few minutes passed and I couldn't sleep so I decided to sleep in Shuhuas room


I woke up to the sound of Yuqi yelling Shuhuas name . Reaching for my phone it was 8:36, "she must have arrived already" I thought stretching my arms.

I got up from the bed and opened the door. I looked up to the members starring at me "what" I asked curiously

Yuqi smiled from ear to ear "you miss Shuhua that much huh"

"No" I mumbled from embarrassment

Soyeon was grinning evil

"shu you won't believe it" miyeon yelled causing me to rush to her

"Yaaa stop~"

"You all are so loud,what's wrong" Shuhua said over the phone

"Oh Soojin was sleeping in your room" Minnie blurted out

"My heart started to beat fast. What if she doesn't want me to sleep there" I thought

"Ehh Soojin just fix my bed when you sleep in there" Shuhua lazily said

"Y-Yes I will" I shyly said

"Okay Shuhua we will let you go since we know you just arrived, keep us updated alright" Soyeon spoke looking at me

"Ne, see you guys soon bye"

We yelled goodbye till Shu hung up. Miyeon grabbed me to sit down.

"Uhm why are you guys starring at me like that"

"You know why" Miyeon spoke in a serious tone

I looked down. I know its about Shuhua, but playing dumb would be the best way to go about this "I really don't"

Minnie stopped looking at her phone "you do, I'll explain it to you like this Soojin, you're obliviously crushing on Shuhua, we see the way you look at her"

I quietly got up "look I don't know what you guys are trying to get out this, but whatever it is stop it" i sternly said walking to my room

"Haven't you noticed the way you acted towards her" Yuqi raised her voice.

Slamming my door I slumped into my bed. Truth is I'm dishonest cause I want us together. "Why did I have to grow feelings to you Ye Shuhua" I mumbled kicking the air. This is so frustrating it's not that I didn't want to agree to what they said, it's just too risky especially if our company finds out.


2:30 (Minnie)

Soojin is going to figure out sooner our later we all know how she truly feels and she just has to come to terms with it, plus it's not a bad thing to love I mean look at Me and Miyeon we are happy together, we just haven't told anyone yet.

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